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January 21, 2025 Clouds | 17°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Election Laws

Item Name Start Time Duration Webcast
Joint Committee on Election Laws 10/20/2021 1:00 PM 00:40:29
Bill Bill Title Sponsor
H.762  An Act requiring photo ID’s to vote Donald R. Berthiaume, Jr.
H.764  An Act relative to polling place security and integrity Antonio F. D. Cabral
H.765  An Act relative to increasing voting opportunities in Massachusetts Daniel Cahill
H.767  An Act to provide to certain employees of the Commonwealth the right to participate collectively in the political process Tackey Chan
H.768  An Act requiring a residency affidavit by a candidate Tackey Chan
H.775  An Act addressing Gubernatorial selection for US Congress vacancies Mindy Domb
H.776  An Act relative to random placement for candidate names and removal of incumbent information on primary and state ballots Mindy Domb
H.779  An Act relative to election emergencies Paul J. Donato
H.781  An Act relative to Political designations Paul J. Donato
H.782  An Act relative to public information requests Shawn Dooley
H.783  An Act regulating certain activities at polling locations Shawn Dooley
H.785  An Act relative to how Electoral College votes are delegated Shawn Dooley
H.787  An Order relative to the establishment of mail-in voting in the Commonwealth Shawn Dooley
H.788  An Act making voting obligatory and increasing turnout in elections Dylan A. Fernandes
H.789  An Act relative to accessibility and preservation of write in voting records Ann-Margaret Ferrante
H.790  An Act to establish permanent voter registration for registered voters who move within the Commonwealth Sean Garballey
H.792  An Act ensuring the election integrity through voter identification Colleen M. Garry
H.799  An Act relative to the voting procedures for presidential electors Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.802  An Act relative to examining election reform efforts in the 2020 election cycle Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.803  An Act relating to ballot nominations during the state of emergency due to COVID-19 Patrick Joseph Kearney
H.807  An Act relative to honest online political advertisement disclosure and election interference David Henry Argosky LeBoeuf
H.808  An Act to ensure a complete, accurate, and equitable census count David Henry Argosky LeBoeuf
H.812  An Act relative to Massachusetts voter identification law Marc T. Lombardo
H.814  An Act apportioning electoral votes by congressional district Joseph D. McKenna
H.816  An Act relative to election law reform Lenny Mirra
H.818  An Act relative to voter harvesting Lenny Mirra
H.819  An Act to promote election audits Michael J. Moran
H.821  An Act providing disclosure of political phone calls James M. Murphy
H.822  An Act increasing voter participation in primary elections James M. Murphy
H.844  An Act updating political terminology Susannah M. Whipps
H.3783  An Act to establish a commission to study election integrity Shawn Dooley
H.3833  An Act to establish election integrity Shawn Dooley
H.3878  An Act establishing identification at the voting polls Alyson M. Sullivan
H.3950  An Act relative to voting options for the city of Lowell for the 2021 municipal elections Thomas A. Golden, Jr.
H.3990  An Act granting noncitizen permanent residents in the town of Warwick the right to vote in municipal elections Susannah M. Whipps
H.4033  An Act relative to special election scheduling Russell E. Holmes
H.4139  An Act relative to electronic expense payments Shawn Dooley
H.4140  An Act to pilot ballot box initiatives in carceral settings Nika C. Elugardo
H.4141  An Act relative to election reform Sheila C. Harrington
H.4142  An Act relative to the election of school committee members in the Berlin-Boylston Regional School District Meghan Kilcoyne
S.438  An Act to allow political parties to self govern William N. Brownsberger
S.439  An Act to allow chairs of political parties to release candidates from certain enrollment requirements William N. Brownsberger
S.451  An Act relative to voting options for inclusive and comprehensive elections Sonia Chang-Diaz
S.452  An Act relative to the annual street listing Nick Collins
S.453  An Act relative to specially qualified voters Nick Collins
S.456  An Act allowing individuals to protect their voter information Joanne M. Comerford
S.461  An Act protecting personal privacy in street listings Diana DiZoglio
S.464  An Act relative to fair elections James B. Eldridge
S.466  An Act establishing the state primary to the second Tuesday of May Ryan C. Fattman
S.479  An Act for Primary Election Reform Jason M. Lewis
S.480  An Act to improve the fairness, and public transparency of all individuals, who may have, and/or intersect, with election officials, in the commonwealth of Massachusetts Jason M. Lewis
S.486  An Act requiring disclosure of four years of tax returns to appear on a presidential primary ballot Rebecca L. Rausch
S.487  An Act moving the state primary to June Rebecca L. Rausch
S.490  An Act to ensure a complete, accurate, and equitable census count Rebecca L. Rausch
S.2530  An Act authorizing citizens in the town of Brookline who have reached the age of sixteen years or older to register and vote in municipal election with the town Cynthia Stone Creem
S.2550  An Act ratifying the town meeting of the town of Rowley Charles D. Baker