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February 08, 2025 Clouds | 34°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on the Judiciary

Item Name Start Time Duration Webcast
Joint Committee on the Judiciary - Part 2 11/9/2021 10:00 AM 02:25:16
Joint Committee on the Judiciary - Part 1 11/9/2021 10:00 AM 02:04:11
Bill Bill Title Sponsor
H.1463  An Act to ensure equitable representation in probate court proceedings involving children Ruth B. Balser
H.1466  An Act allowing a child under state custody to visit an imprisoned parent at a location other than the correction facility Donald R. Berthiaume, Jr.
H.1524  An Act relative to child custody orders Linda Dean Campbell
H.1528  An Act relative to determining the best interest of children in probate & family court Marjorie C. Decker
H.1539  An Act to protect victims of rape and children conceived during the commission of said offense David F. DeCoste
H.1547  An Act relative to parenting time Shawn Dooley
H.1562  An Act relative to the re-homing of children Kimberly N. Ferguson
H.1581  An Act to protect victims of rape and children conceived during the commission of said offense Colleen M. Garry
H.1587  An Act clarifying the child removal statute Colleen M. Garry
H.1589  An Act prohibiting court ordered visitation rights to any persons convicted of criminal offenses against a minor Colleen M. Garry
H.1590  An Act increasing parental involvement with childcare Colleen M. Garry
H.1591  An Act relative to shared parenting Colleen M. Garry
H.1594  An Act relative to child custody when either parent is on active military duty Colleen M. Garry
H.1600  An Act protecting survivors of rape and their children Carmine Lawrence Gentile
H.1610  An Act relative to parental rights and child survivors of homicide Thomas A. Golden, Jr.
H.1629  An Act relative to the best interests of children Sheila C. Harrington
H.1630  An Act to adopt the uniform family law arbitration act Sheila C. Harrington
H.1633  An Act relative to the collateral consequences of alimony Sheila C. Harrington
H.1634  An Act relative to the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act Sheila C. Harrington
H.1635  An Act relative to child-centered family law Sheila C. Harrington
H.1642  An Act relative to improving training for child advocates to recognize indicators of domestic violence Natalie M. Higgins
H.1659  An Act relative to visitation and family court matters in domestic violence cases Kate Hogan
H.1711  An Act prohibiting discrimination against adults with disabilities in family and juvenile court proceedings Kay Khan
H.1712  An Act to promote efficiency in co-parent adoptions Kay Khan
H.1719  An Act relative to great-grandparent visitation rights Michael P. Kushmerek
H.1767  An Act relative to the tax status of alimony Christopher M. Markey
H.1772  An Act to expedite care and custody of minor children modification proceedings Christopher M. Markey
H.1775  An Act reforming alimony in the Commonwealth Christopher M. Markey
H.1787  An Act relative to the definition of custody in protection and care of children proceedings Joan Meschino
H.1788  An Act regarding the appointment of court investigators and the admissibility of certain reports in care and protection cases Joan Meschino
H.1714  An Act relative to parentage to promote children's security Kay Khan
H.1789  An Act rescinding an order terminating parental rights Joan Meschino
H.1791  An Act to accelerate a child's reunification with family members and to eliminate unnecessary time in foster care Joan Meschino
H.1793  An Act regarding the quantum of proof in care and protection and termination of parental rights cases Joan Meschino
H.1846  An Act relative to caregiver authorization affidavits Maria Duaime Robinson
H.1858  An Act relative to child custody John H. Rogers
H.1880  An Act relative to parental visitation and custody for children of rape victims Alyson M. Sullivan
H.1914  An Act relative to judgment for alimony David T. Vieira
H.1932  An Act clarifying certain divorce proceedings Jonathan D. Zlotnik
S.949  An Act regarding the reinstatement of parental rights for certain children Nick Collins
S.966  An Act making corrections to the adopted children's act Cynthia Stone Creem
S.967  An Act relative to the elective share of surviving spouses Cynthia Stone Creem
S.975  An Act relative to the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act Cynthia Stone Creem
S.981  An Act relative to equitable divorce proceedings Cynthia Stone Creem
S.982  An Act relating to parental choice of terminology in certain domestic relations matters Cynthia Stone Creem
S.983  An Act to address the impact of federal tax law changes on alimony Cynthia Stone Creem
S.988  An Act relative to grandparents raising grandchildren Julian Cyr
S.997  An Act protecting survivors of rape and their children Sal N. DiDomenico
S.1003  An Act denying paternity rights to perpetrators of rape Diana DiZoglio
S.1005  An Act relative to child-centered family law Diana DiZoglio
S.1013  An Act relative to child custody orders Diana DiZoglio
S.1029  An Act reforming alimony in the Commonwealth Paul R. Feeney
S.1058  An Act relative to caregiver authorization affidavits Patricia D. Jehlen
S.1076  An Act relative to visitation and family court matters in domestic violence cases Jason M. Lewis
S.1080  An Act relative to determining the best interest of children in probate and family court Jason M. Lewis
S.1083  An Act prohibiting discrimination against adults with disabilities in family and juvenile court proceedings Joan B. Lovely
S.1100  An Act protecting survivors of domestic abuse Mark C. Montigny
S.1120  An Act relative to visitation rights of grandparents Patrick M. O'Connor
S.1124  An Act to promote efficiency in co-parent adoption Rebecca L. Rausch
S.1133  An Act relative to parentage to promote children's security Bruce E. Tarr