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The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on the Judiciary

Item Name Start Time Duration Webcast
Joint Committee on the Judiciary - 9-26-23 (Part 3 of 3) 9/26/2023 5:00 PM 02:31:46
Joint Committee on the Judiciary - 9-26-23 (Part 2 of 3) 9/26/2023 3:00 PM 01:59:25
Joint Committee on the Judiciary - 9-26-23 (Part 1 of 3) 9/26/2023 1:00 PM 02:04:19
Bill Bill Title Sponsor
H.1391  An Act relative to treatment, not imprisonment Ruth B. Balser
H.1394  An Act relative to law enforcement access to prescription monitoring data F. Jay Barrows
H.1406  An Act regarding conditions of release in Superior Court Daniel Cahill
H.1430  An Act relative to the examination of evidence rooms and evidentiary procedures Mark J. Cusack
H.1447  An Act to modernize the roles and responsibilities of the victim and witness assistance board Michael S. Day
H.1460  An Act relative to reforming the competency to stand trial process Marjorie C. Decker
H.1476  An Act relating to threats of suicide while in court custody (Stavri’s Law) Tricia Farley-Bouvier
H.1490  An Act relative to authorizing electronic signatures for criminal complaints Carole A. Fiola
H.1492  An Act relative to dangerousness offenses Carole A. Fiola
H.1494  An Act updating bail procedures for justice-involved youth Brandy Fluker Oakley
H.1495  An Act promoting diversion of juveniles to community supervision and services Brandy Fluker Oakley
H.1534  An Act to protect residents and law enforcement officers in the Commonwealth Kenneth I. Gordon
H.1535  An Act to expand the use of a summons and complaint system Kenneth I. Gordon
H.1554  An Act reforming juvenile offender law Russell E. Holmes
H.1626  An Act for legislation relative to costs of appeals by the Commonwealth David Paul Linsky
H.1633  An Act relative to pre-trial detention Kate Lipper-Garabedian
H.1644  An Act regarding testimony after grant of immunity to a witness Jay D. Livingstone
H.1645  An Act to enhance the availability of immunity to witnesses in the courts of the Commonwealth Jay D. Livingstone
H.1646  An Act to improve after hours bail procedures Jay D. Livingstone
H.1649  An Act relative to the reliability of testifying informants “testifying informant legislation” Jay D. Livingstone
H.1650  An Act protecting youth during custodial interrogations Jay D. Livingstone
H.1661  Resolve establishing a bail reform and pretrial treatment task force Christopher M. Markey
H.1668  An Act requiring only a justice to remove a trial default of a defendant who fails to appear at trial Christopher M. Markey
H.1710  An Act to promote public safety and better outcomes for young adults James J. O'Day
H.1721  An Act relative to the health of public safety officers Edward R. Philips
H.1725  An Act relative to the Commonwealth’s right to appeal bail decisions Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr.
H.1755  An Act to track the implementation of the Brangan ruling Lindsay N. Sabadosa
H.1756  An Act ensuring integrity in juvenile interrogations Lindsay N. Sabadosa
H.1769  An Act relative to the use of administrative subpoenas to obtain telephone and internet records without judicial review William M. Straus
H.1792  An Act relative to the composition of the Victim and Witness Assistance Board Chynah Tyler
H.1802  An Act improving juvenile justice data collection Andres X. Vargas
H.1827  An Act relative to bail fees Steven George Xiarhos
H.3922  An Act preventing false confessions Kate Lipper-Garabedian
H.3955  An Act for second look Russell E. Holmes
H.3957  An Act for fair compensation for erroneous felony conviction Russell E. Holmes
H.45  An Act to provide sentencing parity in criminal law Lindsay N. Sabadosa
S.1001  An Act to improve after hours bail procedures Adam Gomez
S.1005  An Act relative to juvenile fees, fines, and restitution Adam Gomez
S.1042  An Act relative to appeals from the clerk-magistrates Paul W. Mark
S.1049  An Act relative to diversion for primary caretakers Liz Miranda
S.1073  An Act regarding conditions of release in Superior Court Michael O. Moore
S.1101  An Act to protect victims of crimes and the public Patrick M. O'Connor
S.1102  An Act relating to threats of suicide while in court custody (Stavri’s Law) Jacob R. Oliveira
S.1129  An Act relative to protecting the residents of the Commonwealth from dangerous persons Bruce E. Tarr
S.1140  An Act relative to dangerousness hearings John C. Velis
S.931  An Act improving juvenile justice data collection Cynthia Stone Creem
S.932  An Act relative to the preservation of certain appellate rights Cynthia Stone Creem
S.935  An Act relating to costs of appeals by the Commonwealth Cynthia Stone Creem
S.940  An Act promoting diversion of juveniles to community supervision and services Cynthia Stone Creem
S.942  An Act to promote public safety and better outcomes for young adults Brendan P. Crighton
S.954  An Act ensuring integrity in juvenile interrogations Sal N. DiDomenico
S.962  An Act relative to dangerousness hearings Ryan C. Fattman
S.982  An Act relative to treatment, not imprisonment Cindy F. Friedman
S.993  An Act updating bail procedures for justice-involved youth Adam Gomez
S.995  An Act to modernize the roles and responsibilities of the victim and witness assistance board Adam Gomez