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The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

SECTION 1. The city of Cambridge is hereby authorized to grant, bargain and convey the following rights and easements on, over, and under premises now owned and held by said city for park, playground or recreational purposes:

(a) the right to construct foundations and pile caps in the areas abutting Parcel F, as shown on a plan entitled "Plan of Property owned by city of Cambridge, First Street, Cambridge Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts" prepared by Cullinan Engineering Co., Inc., dated March 13, 1985, with pile caps to be at least one foot below finished grade;

(b) a construction easement for the purpose of constructing certain improvements as such improvements are more particularly described in that certain decision of the planning board of the city of Cambridge, Decision No. 125, dated June 3, 1997 and a permanent nonexclusive easement to maintain the improvements, which easement shall be located within an area 25 lineal feet from Parcel F;

(c) the right to use in common with others that area to the east of Parcel F shown on the plan and designated "Service Access and Utility Easement" for the purpose of providing off-street loading access and utility connections for the improvements;

(d) the right to construct parking facilities below grade in that area shown on the plan and designated "Parking Easement"; and

(e) the right to use, in common with others, Otis way as shown on the plan for pedestrian access and to construct foundations and pile caps in an area five lineal feet along the northern boundary of Otis way and at least one foot below finished grade and to close temporarily, but only in such a manner as not to prevent safe and efficient pedestrian access over or by Otis way to Parcel C as shown on the plan, and for the purpose of constructing and maintaining the improvements.

The land constituting the above described easements is more particularly shown on the plan.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its acceptance by vote of the city council of the city of Cambridge.

Approved November 24, 1997.