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The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

SECTION 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law to the contrary, the Springfield water and sewer commission may enter into a contract or contracts for the sale or lease, operation and maintenance, financing, design and construction of modifications and installation of new equipment and systems necessary at the wastewater treatment facility, sewers and pump stations to ensure adequate services and to ensure the ability of said commission's wastewater treatment facility, sewers and pump stations to operate in full compliance with all applicable requirements of federal, state and local law; provided, however, that any such contract shall not be subject to the competitive bid requirements set forth in sections 38A½ to 38 O, inclusive, of chapter 7, section 39M of chapter 30 or sections 44A to 44J, inclusive, of chapter 149 of the General Laws; and provided, further, that each such contract shall be awarded pursuant to the provisions of chapter 30B of the General Laws, except for clause (3) of paragraph (b) of section 6, clause (3) of paragraph (e) and paragraph (g) of said section 6 and sections 13 and 16 of said chapter 30B.

The request for proposals for such contract shall specify the method for comparing proposals to determine the proposal offering the lowest overall cost to the commission, including, but not limited to, all capital financing, operating and maintenance costs. If the commission awards the contract to an offeror who did not submit the proposal offering the lowest overall cost, the commission shall explain the reason for the award in writing.

SECTION 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law to the contrary, a contract or contracts awarded pursuant to section 1 may provide for a term not exceeding 20 years, and an option for renewal or extension of operations and maintenance services for one additional term not exceeding five years. The renewal or extension shall be at the sole discretion of the commission in accordance with the original contract terms and conditions or contract terms and conditions more favorable to and acceptable to the commission. A contract entered into pursuant to this act may provide that, subject to a majority vote of the commission, the commission shall not be exempt from liability for payment of the costs to finance, permit, design and construct modifications or install new equipment and systems at the wastewater treatment facility, sewers and pump stations necessary to ensure the ability of said wastewater treatment facility, sewers and pump stations to operate in full compliance with all applicable requirements of federal, state and local law, provided that such costs shall be amortized over a period that is no longer than the useful life of said modifications, equipment and systems. The commission's payment obligations for all operations and maintenance services shall be conditioned on the contractor's performance of said services in accordance with all contractual terms.

A contract entered into pursuant to this act may provide for such activities as may be deemed necessary to carry out the purposes authorized herein including, but not limited to, equipment, facility or land sale or lease, equipment installation and replacement, performance testing and operation, studies, design and engineering work, construction work, ordinary repairs and maintenance and the furnishing of all related material, supplies and services required for the wastewater treatment facility, sewers and pumping stations and the management, operation, maintenance and repair of said commission's wastewater treatment facility, sewer and related pumping stations.

SECTION 3. The chief procurement officer shall solicit proposals through a request for proposals which shall include those items in clauses (1) and (2) of paragraph (b) of section 6 of chapter 30B of the General Laws and the proposed key contractual terms and conditions to be incorporated into the contract, some of which may be deemed mandatory or nonnegotiable; provided, however, that such request for proposals may request proposals or offer options for fulfillment of other contractual terms and such other matters as may be determined by the commission. The request for proposals shall provide for the separate submission of price and shall indicate when and how the offerors shall submit the price.

SECTION 4. The chief procurement officer shall make a preliminary determination of the most advantageous proposal from a responsible and responsive offeror taking into consideration price, estimated life-cycle costs and the other evaluation criteria set forth in the request for proposals. Said chief procurement officer may negotiate all terms of the contract not deemed mandatory or nonnegotiable with such offeror. If, after negotiation with such offeror, said chief procurement officer determines that it is in the commission's best interests, said chief procurement officer may initiate negotiations with the next most advantageous proposal from a responsible and responsive offeror taking into consideration price, estimated life-cycle costs and the other evaluation criteria set forth in the request for proposals, and may negotiate all terms of the contract not deemed mandatory or nonnegotiable with such offeror. Said chief procurement officer shall award the contract to the most advantageous proposal from a responsible and responsive offeror taking into consideration price, estimated life-cycle costs and the evaluated criteria set forth in the request for proposals and the terms of the negotiated contract. Subject to the approval of the commission said chief procurement officer shall award the contract by written notice to the selected offeror within the time for acceptance specified in the request for proposals. The parties may extend the time for acceptance by mutual agreement.

SECTION 5. Any contract awarded pursuant to this act shall be subject to such terms and conditions as the commission shall determine to be in the best interests of said commission and shall be subject to a majority vote of the commission. Any such contract shall provide that prior to the construction, modification or installation of equipment and systems the commission shall cause a qualified wastewater engineer to independently review and approve plans and specifications for said modifications, equipment and systems. Such contract shall further provide that prior to the commission's acceptance of any modifications, equipment or systems, including work undertaken pursuant to section 7 of this act and estimated to cost more than $100,000, the commission shall cause a qualified wastewater engineer to inspect said modifications, equipment and systems and certify that the construction or installation has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications.

SECTION 6. The provisions of any general or special law or regulation relating to the advertising, bidding or award of contracts, to the procurement of services or to the construction and design of improvements, except the provisions of sections 26 to 27H, inclusive, of chapter 149 of the General Laws, shall not be applicable to any selected offeror which is awarded a contract pursuant to this act, except as provided in this section. The construction of any new capital improvement or any renovation, modernization, installation, or replacement work estimated to cost more than $100,000, not specifically included in the initial contract for the lease or sale, operation and maintenance, design and construction of the wastewater treatment facility, sewers and pump stations, shall be procured on the basis of advertised sealed bids; provided, however, that bids need not be solicited if the contractor causes such construction, renovation, modernization, installation or replacement work to be completed without direct or indirect reimbursement from the commission or other adjustment to the fees or costs paid by the commission, including, but not limited to, any adjustment to water or sewer rates paid by the commission's users. Bids shall be based on detailed plans and specifications and the contract shall be awarded to the lowest responsible and eligible bidder. The contractor may act as an agent of the commission in the solicitation of bids for the construction of any new capital improvement or for any renovation, modernization, installation or replacement work pursuant to this section, provided that the commission shall cause a qualified wastewater engineer to independently assess the need for such capital improvement, renovation, modernization, installation or replacement work and to review and approve the contractor's proposed plans and specifications prior to advertising for bids. Based on the recommendation of the qualified wastewater engineer, the commission may approve, modify, or reject the contractor's proposed plans and specifications. Any contract or contracts awarded pursuant to this act shall provide that in the event that the commission does not approve the contractor's proposed plans and specifications pursuant to this section, the commission or the contractor may terminate said contract or contracts under the terms and conditions of said contract or contracts.

Notwithstanding the above, the commission reserves the right to effectuate the construction of any capital improvement or any renovation, modernization, installation, or replacement work estimated to cost more than $100,000, not specifically included in the initial contract for the lease or sale, operations and maintenance, design and construction of the wastewater treatment facility, sewers and pump stations in conformity with section 39M of chapter 30 or sections 44A to 44J, inclusive of chapter 149 of the General Laws.

SECTION 7. Notwithstanding the provision of any general or special law or regulation to the contrary, the department of environmental protection may issue project approval certificates with respect to the design/build contract procured by the commission wastewater treatment facility, sewer and pump station improvements, and such design and construction services included in such contract shall be eligible for assistance under the Water Pollution Abatement Trust, established by section 2 of chapter 29C of the General Laws and any future revolving loan fund programs established by the commonwealth.

SECTION 8. Prior to the execution of a contract or contracts pursuant to this act, the selected offeror shall furnish to the Springfield water and sewer commission performance bonds, payment bonds and insurance satisfactory to the commission.

SECTION 9. Nothing in this act or any action taken or contract or agreement entered into under the provisions of this act shall change or alter any contract or agreement between the city of Springfield or the Springfield water and sewer commission and any city, town or public entity which is in force and effect on the effective date of this act or impose any additional costs or obligations on any such city, town or public entity.

SECTION 10. This act shall take effect upon its passage.

Approved November 24, 1997.