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The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


Whereas , The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, which is to immediately provide for the efficient and timely functioning of certain study commissions, therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public convenience.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

SECTION 1. Section 666 of chapter 151 of the acts of 1996 is hereby amended by striking out the first paragraph and inserting in place thereof the following paragraph:-

There is hereby established a special commission to consist of three members of the senate, one of whom shall be appointed by the minority leader of the senate, four members of the house of representatives, one of whom shall be appointed by the minority leader of the house of representatives, the chairman of the board of education or his designee, the secretary of administration and finance, or his designee; and eight persons to be appointed by the governor, one of whom shall be a representative of the Massachusetts Municipal Association, one of whom shall be a representative of the Massachusetts Association of School Committees, one of whom shall be a representative of the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents, one of whom shall be a representative of the Massachusetts Association of Administrators for Special Education, one of whom shall be a teacher, two of whom shall be members of local parent's advisory councils, and one of whom shall be jointly designated by the Children's Law Center of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Advocacy Center and the Center for Law and Education.

SECTION 2. Said section 666 of said chapter 151 is hereby further amended by striking out the last paragraph and inserting in place thereof the following paragraph:-

Said commission shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means the results of its investigation and study, and its recommendations, if any, together with drafts of legislation necessary to carry said recommendations into effect, by filing the same with the clerks of the house of representatives and senate and the joint committee on education, arts and humanities on or before June first, nineteen hundred and ninety-seven.

SECTION 3. Section 680 of said chapter 151 is hereby amended by striking out the last sentence and inserting in place thereof the following sentence:- Said commission shall report to the house and senate committees on ways and means on or before February third, nineteen hundred and ninety-eight.

SECTION 4. Sections one and two of this act shall take effect as of January twentieth, nineteen hundred and ninety-seven.

Approved April 18, 1997.