Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:
SECTION 1. The city of Haverhill may grant by grant of location and easement agreement to the Portland Natural Gas Transmission System, a Maine general partnership, and Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company, a permanent easement of not more than 50 feet wide over a parcel of land located in and under the control of the city, together with temporary workspaces for construction purposes five feet and 25 feet wide, immediately adjacent to the area of the proposed permanent easement and additional temporary workspace for construction purposes 25 feet wide immediately adjacent to the northwesterly portion of the proposed permanent easement and an additional temporary workspace from Crystal Lake to the proposed permanent easement for construction purposes 20 feet by 240 feet wide, as the case may be, as more particularly shown on the plan of land described in this section. The right to use such temporary workspace and additional temporary workspace shall expire 12 months after completion of construction. The land, presently being used for watershed purposes, is described in a plan of land entitled "Proposed Right-of-way Crossing, the City of Haverhill Property, Essex County, Massachusetts, M4-P-9163", on file with the city, which shall be recorded with the southern district of the Essex county registry of deeds. The easement shall be used for the installation and maintenance of an interstate natural gas transmission line, which shall be installed underground, together with appliances and appurtenances necessary thereto.
SECTION 2. The city of Haverhill may grant by grant of location and easement agreement to the Portland Natural Gas Transmission System, a Maine general partnership and Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company, a permanent easement not more than 50 feet wide over a parcel of land located in and under the control of the city, together with a temporary workspace for construction purposes 25 feet wide, immediately adjacent to the area of the proposed permanent easement and additional temporary workspace for construction purposes 50 feet by 100 feet wide and immediately adjacent to the temporary workspace, as the case may be, as more particularly shown on a plan of land described in this section. The right to use such temporary workspace and additional temporary workspace shall expire 12 months after completion of construction. The land, presently being used for watershed purposes, is described on a plan of land entitled, "Proposed Right-of-way Crossing, the City of Haverhill Property, Essex County, Massachusetts, M4-P-9161", on file with the city, which shall be recorded with the southern district of the Essex county registry of deeds. The easement shall be used for the installation and maintenance of an interstate natural gas transmission line, which shall be installed underground, together with appliances and appurtenances necessary thereto.
SECTION 3. The city of Haverhill may grant by grant of location and easement agreement to the Portland Natural Gas Transmission System, a Maine general partnership and Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company, a permanent easement not more than 50 feet wide over a parcel of land located in and under the control of the city, together with a temporary workspace for construction purposes not more than 25 feet wide, immediately adjacent to the area of the proposed permanent easement and additional temporary workspace 25 feet by 250 feet wide immediately adjacent to the proposed permanent easement for construction purposes, as the case may be, as more particularly shown on the plan of land described in this section. The right to use such temporary workspace and additional temporary workspace shall expire 12 months after completion of construction. The land, presently being used for watershed purposes, is described on a plan of land entitled, "Proposed Right-of-way Crossing, the City of Haverhill Property, Essex County, Massachusetts, M4-P-9159", on file with the city, which shall be recorded with the southern district of the Essex county registry of deeds. The easement shall be used for the installation and maintenance of an interstate natural gas transmission line, which shall be installed underground, together with appliances and appurtenances necessary thereto.
SECTION 4. The city of Haverhill may grant by grant of location and easement agreement to the Portland Natural Gas Transmission System, a Maine general partnership and Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, L.L.C., a Delaware limited liability company, a permanent easement not more than 50 feet wide over a parcel of land located in and under the control of the city, together with a temporary workspace for construction purposes not more than 20 feet wide, immediately adjacent to the area of the proposed permanent easement for construction purposes, as more particularly shown on the plan of land described in this section. The right to use such temporary workspace shall expire 12 months after completion of construction. The land, presently being used for watershed purposes, is described on a plan of land entitled, "Proposed Right-of-way Crossing, the City of Haverhill Property, Essex County, Massachusetts, M4-P-9148", on file with the city, which shall be recorded with the southern district of the Essex county registry of deeds. The easement shall be used for the installation and maintenance of an interstate natural gas transmission line, which shall be installed underground, together with appliances and appurtenances necessary thereto.
SECTION 5. In consideration for the easements authorized in sections 1 to 4, inclusive, Portland Natural Gas Transmission System and Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, L.L.C., shall pay or have paid to the city of Haverhill in the aggregate $20,000, which amount is equivalent to or in excess of the fair market value of the easements granted.
SECTION 6. This act shall take effect upon its passage.