Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:
??????????? "Corporation",
the Bourne Financial Development Corporation, established in section 3.
??????????? "Financial
institution", a banking corporation or institution, trust company, savings
bank, cooperative bank, savings and loan association, insurance company or
related corporation partnership, foundation, or other institution engaged
primarily in lending or investing funds.
??????????? "Incorporators",
all appointed members of the Bourne Economic Development Task Force and any
other individuals who may be appointed by the board of selectmen of the town
of Bourne prior to the first meeting of the corporation.
??????????? "Member",
an individual, as defined within the by-laws of the corporation and approved
by the incorporators, entitled to participate in the activities of the corporation,
either in a voting or nonvoting capacity.
??????????? SECTION 2. It is hereby determined that
undeveloped, underused or underdeveloped areas exist in parts of the town
of Bourne, including, but not limited to, the Buzzards Bay business district,
and other areas of the town which are presently zoned for business and industrial
use; that a redevelopment plan is necessary to retain existing commercial
enterprises, to attract new commercial and industrial development, and to
promote the sound economic growth of the town of Bourne; that the existence
of undeveloped, underused or underdeveloped areas render persons and entities
unwilling to locate in the town of Bourne and cannot be dealt with effectively
by the ordinary operation of private enterprise without the aids herein provided
including, but not limited to, preventing disuse, underuse, or underdevelopment,
improving sites for business, commercial, and industrial uses, and disposing
of property redeveloped in the course of the foregoing; that the exercise
of powers by the corporation and any assistance that may be provided by the
town of Bourne or other public body in connection therewith are public uses
and purposes for which public money may be expended; and that the acquisition,
planning, clearance, development, rehabilitation or rebuilding of undeveloped,
underused, and underdeveloped areas for commercial or industrial purposes
are public benefits for which private property may be regulated by wholesome
and reasonable order, law and direction and for which public funds may be
expended for the welfare of the town of Bourne and the commonwealth.
??????????? It
is hereby further found and declared that there exists in the town of Bourne
a condition of underemployment which causes hardship to many individuals and
families, wastes vital human resources, impedes the economic and physical
development of the town of Bourne and adversely affects the welfare and prosperity
of the people; that underemployment has been caused in substantial part by
commercial and industrial businesses moving from the town of Bourne; that
abandonment of existing facilities is causing serious damage to the economy
of the town of Bourne; that such facilities are underutilized or vacated,
thereby creating additional underemployment; that the commercial and industrial
sector of the economy provides one of the best opportunities for jobs at higher
wages for the inhabitants of the town of Bourne; that new commercial and industrial
sites are required to attract and house new commercial and industrial development
and to retain existing commercial and industrial operations in need of expansion
space; that the unaided efforts of private industry have not provided and
cannot provide the necessary commercial and industrial sites within the local
environment due to the problems encountered in the assembly of suitable building
sites, the provision of adequate public services, the unavailability of private
capital for development, and the inability of private enterprise alone to
plan, finance and coordinate commercial and industrial development projects.
??????????? SECTION 3. There is hereby constituted
a public body politic and corporate under the name of the Bourne Financial
Development Corporation.? The corporation
shall be subject to and shall have the powers and privileges conferred by
the provisions of chapter 180 of the General Laws except insofar as said
provisions are inconsistent with or otherwise restricted or limited by this
??????????? SECTION 4. The principal office of the
Bourne Financial Development Corporation shall be located in the town of Bourne.
??????????? SECTION 5. The purposes of the Bourne
Financial Development Corporation shall be to: correct the conditions found
to exist in the town of Bourne, as described in section 2; promote the common good
and general welfare of the town of Bourne; improve the living standards of
its citizens by fostering the improvement of their employment opportunities;
and solicit, encourage and induce business organizations and educational institutions
to locate in the town of Bourne with an emphasis on expanding the tax base
of the town of Bourne.
??????????? The
corporation shall assist and promote the development and expansion of business
activities and business organizations in the town of Bourne including, but
not limited to, the Buzzards Bay business district and in other areas of the
town of Bourne zoned for business and industrial use.
??????????? In
order to further the public purposes named in this section and in addition
to the powers conferred on the corporation under section 3, the corporation shall, subject
to the restriction and limitations hereinafter provided, have the following
??????????? (a) accept, acquire, except by
eminent domain, receive and hold by bequest, devise, grant, gift, purchase,
exchange, lease, transfer, judicial order or decree, or otherwise, for any
of its objects and purposes, any property, both real and personal, from any
source, including grants, loans or advances for or in aid of the corporation
from any federal agency or agency of the commonwealth or any political subdivision
??????????? (b) sell, convey, mortgage, lease,
transfer, exchange, or otherwise dispose of any such property, both real and
personal, that the objectives and purposes of the corporation may require,
subject to such limitations as may be prescribed by law;
??????????? (c) borrow money and, from time
to time, to make, accept, endorse, execute and issue bonds, debentures, promissory
notes, bills of exchange, and other obligations of the corporation for monies
borrowed or in payment for property acquired or for any of the other purposes
of the corporation and to secure the payment of any such obligations by mortgage,
pledge, deed, indenture, agreement or other instrument of trust or by lien
upon, assignment of, or agreement in regard to all or any part of the property,
rights, or privileges of the corporation whether now owned or hereafter acquired;
??????????? (d) make loans to any person, firm,
corporation, joint stock company, association or trust located or doing business
in the town of Bourne for the purpose of promoting and developing business
??????????? (e) acquire improved and unimproved
real estate for the purpose of constructing retail, commercial and residential
or other business establishments thereon, for the purpose of disposing of
such real estate for the construction of retail, commercial or other business
establishments as the objectives and purposes of the corporation may require;
provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to grant
to the corporation the power of eminent domain;
??????????? (f) acquire, construct, reconstruct,
alter, maintain, sell, convey, transfer, mortgage, pledge or otherwise dispose
of retail, commercial, industrial, residential or business establishments
as the objectives and purposes of the corporation may require;
??????????? (g) acquire, subscribe for, own,
hold, sell, assign, transfer, mortgage, pledge or otherwise dispose of the
bonds, debentures, notes or other securities as evidence of interest in or
indebtedness of any person, firm, corporation, joint stock company, association
or trust and, while the owner or holder thereof, to exercise all the rights,
powers and privileges of ownership;
??????????? (h) cooperate with and avail itself
of the facilities and programs including, but not limited to, those of the
Small Business Development Corporation, Massachusetts Office of Business Development,
United States Department of Commerce, New England Regional Commission and
any similar governmental agencies;
??????????? (i) receive cash, stocks, bonds,
donations and gifts and to otherwise raise money for the above purposes;
??????????? (j) elect, appoint and employ officers,
agents and employees to enter into contracts and to incur liabilities for
any of the purposes of the corporation;
??????????? (k) employ consultants; and
??????????? (l) promote the town of Bourne
as a retail, commercial, business, industrial, professional, technological,
and financial center.
??????????? The
corporation shall not participate or intervene in any political campaign on
behalf of any candidate for public office nor publish or distribute any statements
with respect thereto.? Notwithstanding
any other provision of this act, neither the members, directors, officers,
nor the corporation shall participate in any of the prohibited transactions,
as defined in Section 503 of the Internal Revenue
Code nor shall the corporation accumulate income or engage in any activities
if the accumulation of income or the activities so engaged in are or would
be within the prohibitions of Section 503 of the Internal Revenue Code, nor shall the corporation
be operated at any time for the purpose of carrying on a trade or business
for profit, or other than for public purpose.? The transactions in which the corporation engages
shall not result in private liability for any of the incorporators, members,
directors, officers or employees.
??????????? SECTION 6. Notwithstanding any rule of
common law or any authorization limitation or any other provision of any general
or special law or any provision in their respective charters, agreements of
association, articles of organization, or trust indentures, all domestic corporations
organized for the purpose of carrying on business within the commonwealth
including, without implied limitation, any electric or gas company as defined
in section 1 of chapter 164 of the General Laws, any railroad corporation
as defined in section 1 of chapter 160 of the General Laws, financial institutions,
trustees and the town of Bourne may acquire, purchase, hold, sell, assign,
transfer or otherwise dispose of any bonds, securities or other evidence of
indebtedness of the Bourne Financial Development Corporation and to make contributions
to the corporation.
??????????? Any
contribution made under the provisions of this section to the corporation
shall be in addition to the contributions authorized by section 12C of chapter 155 of the General Laws and
by any other provisions of any general or special law.
??????????? SECTION 7. In order to carry out the purposes
and exercise the powers of the Bourne Financial Development Corporation, the
town of Bourne may raise and appropriate, or may borrow in aid of the corporation,
such sums as may be necessary to make a loan or grant to the corporation.
??????????? Any
borrowing by the town of Bourne for the purposes contained in this section
shall not be included for the purpose of computation of the debt limits otherwise
imposed upon municipalities by the General Laws.
??????????? SECTION 8. The members of the Bourne Financial
Development Corporation shall have the powers of the corporation to elect
directors as provided in section 9 and to exercise such other powers of the corporation
as may be conferred on the members by the by-laws.
??????????? The
members may determine by majority vote that the organization shall apply to
become a tax exempt corporation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue
Code.? Upon achieving such tax exempt
status, the corporation shall be operated in compliance with applicable federal
and state law and any inconsistent provisions contained herein shall not be
??????????? SECTION 9. The board of directors of the
Bourne Financial Development Corporation shall consist of up to 15 members.?
Three directors shall be persons appointed annually by the board of
selectmen of the town of Bourne.? The remaining directors shall be elected by
and from among the members of the corporation, as prescribed in the by-laws.
??????????? SECTION 10. The board of directors shall
conduct and manage the business and affairs of the Bourne Financial Development
Corporation, including, but not limited to, (a) establishing a fiscal year
for the operation of the corporation; (b) employing an executive director
and other support staff as may be necessary; (c) creating, amending or repealing
by-laws in whole or in part.? There
shall be a president, treasurer, and a secretary or clerk whose duties and
terms of office shall be as described in the by-laws.
??????????? No
directors or officer shall be responsible for losses of the corporation unless
the losses have been occasioned by the willful misconduct of that director
or officer.
??????????? SECTION 11. The Bourne Financial Development
Corporation shall not deposit any of its funds in a banking institution unless
such institution has been designated as a depository by a vote of a majority
of the directors present at an authorized meeting of the board of directors,
exclusive of any director who is an officer, member of the board, or staff
person of the depository so designated.
??????????? The
corporation shall not act as a depository for other organizations or individuals.
??????????? SECTION 12. The Bourne Financial Development
Corporation shall make reports of its condition not less than annually to
the state secretary, which report shall be published in a newspaper of general
circulation in the town of Bourne within 60 days of the close of the corporation's
fiscal year.? Said state secretary
shall make copies of such reports available to the commissioner of insurance
and to the commissioner of banks and the corporation shall also furnish such
information as may, from time to time, be required by the state secretary.
??????????? SECTION 13. The first meeting of the Bourne
Financial Development Corporation shall be called by a notice signed by three
or more of the incorporators and stating the time, place, and purpose of the
meeting.? A copy of the notice shall
be mailed or delivered to each incorporator at least five days before the
day appointed for the meeting.? The
first meeting may be held without five days notice if a written agreement
acknowledging the lack of notice is promulgated and signed by all of the incorporators.?
There shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting a copy of such
notice or of such unanimous agreement by the incorporators.?
At the first meeting, the incorporators shall organize by the election
of a temporary clerk, by the adoption of by-laws, by the election by ballot
of directors and by action upon such matters within the powers of the corporation
as incorporators may see fit.? The
temporary clerk shall be sworn and shall make and attest a record of the proceedings
until the clerk has been chosen and sworn.? One-half plus one of the incorporators shall
be a quorum for the transaction of business.
??????????? Whenever
the certificate required by section 13 of chapter 155 of the General Laws has been filed in the
office of the state secretary, the state secretary shall issue and deliver
to the incorporators a certified copy of the provisions of this act, under
the seal of the commonwealth, and the corporation shall then be authorized
to commence business.
??????????? SECTION 14. The Bourne Financial Development
Corporation shall not be subject to any of the provisions of chapter 63
of the General Laws, nor shall the corporation be liable for any taxes based
upon or measured by income, which may be enacted by the general court.? The securities and evidence of indebtedness
issued by the corporation and income therefrom shall, at all times, be free
from taxation by the commonwealth.
??????????? SECTION 15. The Bourne Financial Development
Corporation may, upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds of its members, petition
for its dissolution by order of the supreme judicial or superior court, in
the manner provided in section 50 of chapter 155 of the General Laws.
??????????? SECTION 16. If the Bourne Financial Development
Corporation shall fail to commence operations within three years from the
effective date of this act, the provisions of this act shall cease to be effective.
??????????? SECTION 17. This act shall take effect
upon its passage.