Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:
The following described line hereafter shall be the boundary line between the towns of Boxford and Georgetown:
Beginning at an unmarked point, hereby named B-G a, at the intersection of the existing town line from (B-G-R) to (B-G 1) with the westerly layout line of the Boston and Maine RR right of way, having coordinates X=241,655.801, Y=938,888.322, said point being north 66°10'12.2" west, and 1,368.992 meters distant, from the Boxford-Georgetown-Rowley corner (B-G-R), known as "The Three Sisters," and marked by a stone monument lettered RBG, having coordinates X=242,908.085, Y=938,335.217 and thence along a non-tangent curve to the right, having a radius of 883.312 meters, said curve being a portion of the westerly layout line of the Boston and Maine RR right of way, and having a chord direction and length of north 10°30'38.5" west, 154.951 meters, to an unmarked point, hereby named B-G b, having coordinates X=241,627.535, Y=939,040.673; thence south 36°38'25.4" west, 46.088 meters to an unmarked point, hereby named B-G c, having coordinates X=241,600.031, Y=939,003.692; thence north 88°45'22.6" west, 216.112 meters to an existing stone monument known as B-G-1, lettered B G, having coordinates X=241,383.970, Y=939,008.383; thence south 34°02'30.6" west, 123.848 meters to an unmarked point, hereby named B-G 1-a, having coordinates X=241,314.640, Y=938,905.759; thence north 67<26'25.9" west, 147.262 meters to an unmarked point, hereby named B-G 1-b, having coordinates X=241,178.646, Y=938,962.255; thence north 06°35'22.4" east, 56.997 meters to an unmarked point, hereby named B-G 1-c, on the existing town boundary line having coordinates X=241,185.187, Y=939,018.875; thence following existing boundary line from Boxford-Georgetown 1 (B-G1) to Boxford-Georgetown 2 (B-G 2), north 86°58'43.5" west, 188.554 meters to an existing stone monument, known as B-G-2, lettered B R, having coordinates X=240,996.895, Y=939,028.813.
All coordinate values contained in this act are in metric units, and on the North American Datum of 1983-96, Massachusetts Mainland Zone.
Monuments shall be erected at new corners, according to section 7 of chapter 42 of the General Laws.