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The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

SECTION 1. Chapter 383 of the acts of 1991 is hereby amended by striking out section 1 and inserting in place thereof the following section:-

Section 1. The following described lines shall hereafter comprise certain portions of the boundary line between the town of Groton and the town of Pepperell:

Beginning at a witness mark (WM1), for the corner GP1 at the center of the Nashua River; a stone bound engraved with the letter "G" and the letter "P" on opposing faces, a distance of about 87 feet easterly of the center of the Nashua River, said witness mark having coordinates X = 635440.6773 feet, Y = 3063644.7752;

Thence along the existing boundary line between Groton and Pepperell N 73<=-31'-26" E a distance of 2082.98 feet to a point on the town line at Longley Road/Groton Street, marked by a stone bound engraved with the letter "G" and "P 1857" on opposing faces, having coordinates X = 637438.1201, Y = 3064235.5437;

Thence continuing N 73<=-31'-26" E a distance of 4066.51 feet to the corner GP(a) marked by a stone bound engraved with the letter "G" and the letter "P" on opposing faces, having coordinates X = 641337.6453, Y = 3065388.8765;

Thence S 23<=-13'-40" W a distance of 330.03 feet to the corner GP(b) marked by a stone bound engraved with the letter "G" and the letter "P" on opposing faces, having coordinates X = 641207.4873, Y = 3065085.6021;

Thence N 70<=-13'-41" E a distance of 1211.56 feet to the corner GP(c) marked by a stone bound engraved with the letter "G" and the letter "P" on opposing faces, having coordinates X = 642347.6226, Y = 3065495.4432;

Thence N 68<=-50'-38" W a distance of 301.77 feet to the corner GP(d) marked by a stone bound engraved with the letter "G" and the letter "P" on opposing faces having coordinates X = 642066.1947, Y = 3065604.3540;

Thence along the existing boundary line between Groton and Pepperell N 73<=-31'-26" E a distance of 3213.31 feet to a stone bound engraved with the letter "G" and the letter "P" on opposing faces, having coordinates X = 645147.5600, Y = 3066515.7059; located at Yvonne Drive, a public way within the Town of Pepperell;

Thence continuing N 73<=-31'-26" E a distance of 1075.87 feet to the Dunstable-Groton-Pepperell town corner marked by a stone bound having the letter "D", the letter "G", and the letter "P" engraved on adjacent faces, having coordinates X = 646179.2520, Y = 3066820.8416.

Coordinates used in this act are based on the Massachusetts Coordinate System, North American Datum of 1983, Mainland Zone as described in section 8 to 13, inclusive, of chapter 97 of the General Laws.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage.

Approved June 3, 2004.