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The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

SECTION 1. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the city of Worcester, acting by and through its city manager, may transfer to The Sisters of St. Ann an easement, for sewer purposes, in a parcel of land located partly in the town of Paxton and partly in the town of Holden and held by the city of Worcester for watershed protection purposes. The easement rights shall include the right to construct, reconstruct, repair, maintain, renew, replace, operate and patrol a sewer line, including manholes and all other equipment or appurtenances as is reasonably required.

SECTION 2. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the department of conservation and recreation may enter into an agreement with The Sisters of St. Ann for the purpose of allowing the connection of a sewer line to the existing Holden-Rutland Sewer Interceptor located in the town of Holden. The capacity of the new connection shall not exceed 60,000 gallons per day and such additional capacity shall not impact or diminish the capacity dedicated to the town of Holden, the town of Rutland and the town of West Boylston pursuant to items 2420-7961, 2420-7962 and 2420-7963 in section 2 of chapter 15 of the acts of 1996, section 63 in said chapter 15 of said acts of 1996, item 1599-4994 in section 2F in chapter 55 in the acts of 1999 and any agreements entered pursuant thereto.

SECTION 3. In exchange for the right to connect the new sewer line to the existing Holden-Rutland Sewer Interceptor, The Sisters of St. Ann shall pay all sewer connection fees, user fees, transportation fees and any other applicable fees or charges as duly adopted by the city of Worcester, the department of conservation and recreation and the Upper Blackstone Water Pollution Abatement District.

SECTION 4. The department of conservation and recreation and the city of Worcester may, in accordance with chapter 79 of the General Laws and sections 31 and 32 of chapter 184 of the General Laws, complete all transfers of land and interests in land contemplated in the document signed by both parties entitled "Memorandum of Understanding for the Protection of the Nashua River Basin" dated July 2, 2001. The purpose of these land transfers is to enhance the protection and preservation of the Nashua River Basin for water supply, scenic, educational and other natural values by preventing development inconsistent with these values.

Approved July 29, 2004.