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March 06, 2025 Clouds | 54°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

SECTION 1. The following described line is hereby established as a harbor line beyond which no wharf, pier, other structure or fill shall be extended or placed in or over the tidewaters of Gloucester harbor from that point of the city of Gloucester at the Fisherman's Memorial Cenotaph and to include in an easterly direction, those areas around Fort Point, Harbor Cove and beyond the United States Coast Guard Station to include the North Channel around the State Pier and South Channel and westerly to and including Smith Cove, around Rocky Neck to past Wonson's Cove.

This line is established as follows:

Commencing at a point in Gloucester Harbor. Said point of beginning being located at Latitude N42<36'34.017", Longitude W70<40'11.037" as referenced to the North American Datum of 1983, thence

S84<28'36"E A distance of one hundred ten and 00/100 (110.00') feet, thence

Southeasterly A distance of eight hundred four and 73/100 (804.73') feet along a curve to the right with a radius of one thousand one hundred and 00/100 (1100.00') feet, thence

S42<33'38"E A distance of four hundred fifty seven and 21/100 (457.21') feet, thence

Easterly A distance of one hundred seventy nine and 20/100 (179.20') feet along a curve to the left with a radius of one hundred forty and 00/100 (140.00') feet, thence

N64<06'02"E A distance of two hundred twelve and 76/100 (212.76') feet to a point ten (10') feet from the Federal Anchorage line defining the 18' channel, thence

N52<12'47"E A distance of seven hundred fifty seven and 01/100 (757.01') feet along a line ten (10') northwesterly from and parallel to the 18' channel line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

N18<59'49"E A distance of one hundred twenty three and 14/100 (123.14') feet along a line ten (10') northwesterly from and parallel to the 18' channel line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

N23<23'14"W A distance of two hundred thirty two and 21/100 (232.21') feet along a line ten (10') southwesterly from and parallel to the 18' channel line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

N66<15'22"W A distance of six hundred twenty six and 08/100 (626.08') feet along a line ten (10') southwesterly from and parallel to the 18' channel line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

N23<44'30"E A distance of one hundred twenty and 00/100 (120.00') feet along a line ten (10') northwesterly from and parallel to the 18' channel line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

S66<15'27"E A distance of two hundred fifty five and 78/100 (255.78') feet along a line ten (10') northeasterly from and parallel to the 18' channel line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

N67<57'25"E A distance of two hundred five and 38/100 (205.38') feet along a line ten (10') northwesterly from and parallel to the 18' channel line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

S66<32'46"E A distance of five hundred fifty seven and 00/100 (557.00') feet along a line ten (10') northeasterly from and parallel to the 18' channel line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

S65<36'25"E A distance of two hundred forty three and 39/100 (243.39') feet along a line ten (10') northeasterly from and parallel to the 15' anchorage line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

N75<38'56"E A distance of two hundred ninety seven and 91/100 (297.91') feet along a line ten (10') northwesterly from and parallel to the 15' anchorage line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

N55<55'19"E A distance of two hundred and 11/00 (200.11') feet along a line ten (10') northwesterly from and parallel to the 20' north channel line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

N18<26'02"E A distance of six hundred ninety three and 54/100 (693.54') feet along a line ten (10') northwesterly from and parallel to the 20' north channel line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

N32<31'52"E A distance of five hundred seventy nine and 04/100 (579.04') feet along a line ten (10') northwesterly from and parallel to the 20' north channel line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

N47<57'45"E A distance of one thousand thirty eight and 58/100 (1038.58') feet along a line ten (10') northwesterly from and parallel to the 20' north channel line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

N34<49'37"E A distance of one hundred fifty five and 63/100 (155.63') feet along a line ten (10') northwesterly from and parallel to the 20' north channel line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

N65<36'51"E A distance of one hundred one and 77/100 (101.77') feet along a line ten (10') northwesterly from and parallel to the 20' north channel line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

N58<10'04"E A distance of two hundred fifty one and 84/100 (251.84') feet, thence

N54<27'12"E A distance of three hundred five and 71/100 (305.71') feet, thence

S15<32'47"W A distance of three hundred sixty four and 38/100 (364.38') feet, thence

S47<57'46"W A distance of one thousand one hundred thirty nine and 71/100 (1139.71'), thence

S39<32'17"E A distance of three hundred fifty one and 78/100 (351.78') feet, thence

S54<19'19"E A distance of four hundred twenty and 68/100 (420.68') feet to a point ten (10') feet northwesterly of the 20' south channel line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

N44<02'40"E A distance of three hundred sixty five and 10/100 (365.10') feet along a line ten (10') feet northwesterly from and parallel to the 20' south channel line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

N00<46'51"W A distance of two hundred twenty six and 27/100 (226.27') feet along a line ten (10') northwesterly from and parallel to the 20' north channel line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

N44<05'51"E A distance of three hundred ninety nine and 24/100 (399.24') feet along a line ten (10') northwesterly from and parallel to the 20' north channel line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

S46<25'09"E A distance of two hundred thirty nine and 43/100 (239.43') feet along a line ten (10') northeasterly from and parallel to the 20' north channel line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

S27<47'24"W A distance of five hundred and 79/100 (500.79') feet along a line ten (10') southeasterly from and parallel to the 20' north channel line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

S44<04'02"W A distance of one thousand one hundred eighty seven and 85/100 (1187.85') feet along a line ten (10') southeasterly from and parallel to the 20' north channel line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

S25<55'38"E A distance of seven hundred fifty six and 50/100 (756.50') feet along a line ten (10') northwesterly from and parallel to the 20' north channel line of the Federal Anchorage, thence

Southerly A distance of ninety and 84/100 (90.84') feet along a curve to the right (non-tangent with the last course) with a radius of two hundred seventy three and 61/100 (273.61') feet. The chord bearing being S29<29'33"W, a distance of ninety and 42/100 (90.42'), thence

S39<34'11"W A distance of two hundred ninety three and 32/100 (293.32') feet, thence

S35<02'39"W A distance of seven hundred twenty nine and 40/100 (729.40') feet, thence

Northwesterly A distance of six hundred forty and 16/100 (640.16') feet along a curve to the right with a radius of two hundred five and 00/100 (205.00') feet, thence

N33<57'48"E A distance of eight hundred thirty two and 27/100 (832.27') feet, thence

N02<10'56"E A distance of one hundred ten and 00/100 (110.00') feet, thence

N79<21'36"W A distance of three hundred twenty five and 94/100 (325.94') feet, thence

S78<32'55"W A distance of four hundred thirty two and 75/100 (432.75') feet, thence

Southwesterly A distance of two hundred twenty seven and 94/100 (227.94') feet along a curve to the left with a radius of three hundred fifty and 00/100 (350.00') feet, thence

S41<13'43"W A distance of four hundred eighty three and 95/100 (483.95') feet, thence

Southwesterly A distance of three hundred seventy eight and 00/100 (378.00') feet along a curve to the right with a radius of one thousand one hundred twenty five and 00/100 (1125.00') feet, thence

S60<28'48"W A distance of five hundred sixty three and 57/100 (563.57') feet, thence

Southerly A distance of eighty and 14/100 (80.14') feet along a curve to the left with a radius of thirty four and 00/100 (34.00') feet, thence

S74<34'12"E A distance of two hundred seventy two and 10/100 (272.10') feet, thence

Southeasterly A distance of two hundred five and 00/100 (205.00') feet along a curve to the right with a radius of one hundred fifty five and 00/100 (155.00') feet, thence

S01<12'29"W A distance of five hundred seventy and 00/100 (570.00') feet, thence

Southwesterly A distance of two hundred nine and 00/100 (209.00') feet along a curve to the right with a radius of one hundred fifty eight and 00/100 (158.00') feet, thence

S76<59'53"W A distance of seven hundred ninety seven and 00/100 (797.00') feet, thence

Southwesterly A distance of eight hundred fifty and 00/100 (850.00') feet along a curve to the left with a radius of one thousand two hundred fifty and 00/100 (1250.00') feet to the terminus of the harbor line revision.

Said terminus being located at Latitude N42<36'05.876", Longitude W70<39'59.857" as referenced to the North American Datum of 1983.

All of the aforementioned bearings and distances being related to the Massachusetts State Plane Coordinate System, North American Datum 1983 (Massachusetts Mainland Zone). All units are United States Survey Feet.

The revised harbor line being more particularly depicted on a plan, filed in the office of the division of waterways of the department of environmental protection, which is entitled. "Gloucester Harbor in Gloucester, Massachusetts (Essex County), Revised Gloucester Harborline" prepared by The BSC Group, Inc. and dated November 19, 2002, and which by this reference is incorporated herein.

SECTION 2. The harbor line heretofore established by chapter 124 of the acts of 1866, and chapter 245 of the acts of 1867, and chapter 116 of the acts of 1876, and chapter 82 of the acts of 1875, and chapter 109 of the acts of 1883, and chapter 285 of the acts of 1874, and chapter 1024 of the acts of 1973, and chapter 103 of the acts of 1882, and chapter 230 of the acts of 1920, and chapter 501 of the acts of 1908, respectively, upon the part of the harbor frontage covered by this act are superseded by the harbor line established in this act.

SECTION 3. This act shall not be construed to affect or acknowledge the legal rights of any person or corporation to set up any structure in said part of the harbor nor to continue any grant heretofore made.

SECTION 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage.

Approved August 18, 2004.