Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same as follows:
SECTION 1. The town of West Boylston, acting by and through its board of selectmen, may convey all or a portion of a certain parcel of town common land, as determined by the board of selectmen, to Fay Brothers Funeral Home on such terms and conditions as the board of selectmen may determine, including the express purpose for the conveyance and restrictions on future use. This parcel of land is bounded on the south by lot 76 on assessor’s map 148, on the west by lot 77 on assessor’s map 148, and on the north and east by Church street, a public way.
SECTION 2. The consideration for the parcel described in section 1 shall be the fair market value of the parcel or the fair market value of its proposed use, whichever is greater, to be determined by 1 or more independent appraisals. The cost of the appraisals shall be assumed by the Fay Brothers Funeral Home. The town of West Boylston shall apply the proceeds thereof for conservation and recreation purposes.
SECTION 3. No deed conveying the parcel of land as authorized in section 1 shall be valid if the board of selectmen have included future use restrictions as a term of purchase as provided in section 1 unless the deed contains a provision so restricting its use and contains a reversionary clause that stipulates that the property shall revert to the town of West Boylston for open space purposes if the property ceases to be used for the express purpose for which it was transferred.
Approved August 6, 2008