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March 06, 2025 Clouds | 41°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same as follows:

SECTION 1. The parcels of land identified in section 2 and under the care, custody and control of the department of developmental services shall be dedicated to the public for the purposes and uses of forest, agriculture and open space protection, management and conservation, environmental education and public access for passive recreation and enjoyment and shall be held solely for these purposes and uses, subject to the limitations of and to protect the rights of the public under Article XCVII of the Amendment to the Constitution. The department of developmental services may develop reasonable rules or adopt regulations for the appropriate conduct and manner of public access consistent with the purposes of this act.

SECTION 2. The parcels are hereby identified as follows

(a) parcel 1: “All of the land owned by the Monson development center in Monson west of Upper Palmer road and State avenue; excepting the area starting at the parcel’s northeast corner on the west side of State avenue, extending in a southerly direction to the parcel’s southeast corner on the west side of Upper Palmer road, then running westerly along the southern boundary for 200 feet, then turning northerly running parallel to Upper Palmer road and continuing in an arc 200 feet back from the westerly side of the driveway leading to the site of the former children’s colony, and continuing 200 feet west of said Upper Palmer road, then continuing northerly 200 feet west of Upper Palmer road to a point 200 feet south of Bald Peak road (a discontinued way), then turning northwesterly and following a straight line 200 feet south of Bald Peak road to a point that intersects with the road as the road turns and intersects with the straight line, then turning and running true north to the parcel’s northern boundary, and then running easterly along the property boundary to the starting point.”; and

(b) parcel 2: “A parcel of land owned by the Monson development center east of State avenue starting at the confluence of an unnamed stream and the Quaboag river and running southeasterly by the south of said river to the railroad tracks, then continuing southeasterly along said railroad tracks to the junction of a rail spur leading to the center’s power plant, then continuing westerly along the northern side of said rail spur to the road/parking area surrounding the power plant, then continuing westerly on the northern side of said road to the unnamed stream, then turning northerly along the eastern bank of said stream to the starting point.”

Exact boundaries of the parcels shall be determined by a survey reviewed and approved by the commissioner of developmental services in consultation with the secretary of energy and environmental affairs and the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance.

Approved December 17, 2008