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The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same as follows:

SECTION 1. There shall be in the town of Wayland a fund called the Other Post-Employment Benefits Trust Fund or OPEB Trust Fund, which shall be used to provide postemployment benefits other than pensions, as defined in Governmental Accounting Standards Board, Statements 43 and 45. The fund shall be under the supervision and management of the town administrator and finance director. The town treasurer shall be the custodian of the OPEB Trust Fund.

SECTION 2. The OPEB Trust Fund shall be credited with all amounts appropriated or otherwise made available by the town, including any earnings or interest accruing from the investment of these funds, to offset the anticipated cost of health and life insurance contributions or other benefits for retired employees, their spouses and eligible dependents and the surviving spouses and eligible dependents of deceased retirees.

SECTION 3. Amounts in the OPEB Trust Fund shall be expended only for the payment of the costs payable by the town for other postemployment benefits.

SECTION 4. The town treasurer shall invest and reinvest the funds prudently, and may, with the approval of the Health Care Security Trust board of trustees created by section 4 of chapter 29D of the General Laws and using criteria and procedures to be adopted by said board of trustees, invest such amounts in the State Retiree Benefits Trust Fund established by section 24 of chapter 32A of the General Laws. The town treasurer may employ any qualified bank, trust company, corporation, firm or person to advise it on the investment of the fund and pay such expense from the fund. The OPEB Trust Fund shall be subject to the public employee retirement administration commission's triennial audit.

SECTION 5. This act shall take effect upon its passage.

Approved, November 17, 2010.