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The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


Whereas, The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, which is to authorize forthwith the Massachusetts Department of Transportation to acquire land in the town of Amherst for highway use, therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public convenience.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same as follows:

SECTION 1. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation may acquire by purchase or otherwise, certain parcels of land in the town of Amherst as described in section 2. These parcels shall be diverted from their present use for environmental, conservation or open space purposes to highway use. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation may convey to the department of conservation and recreation and the town of Amherst certain parcels of land sufficient to equal no net loss of conservation land along state highway route 116.

SECTION 2. The descriptions of the parcels of land in section 1 shall be as follows:

Parcel 7-D-6: Beginning at a point at Route 116 baseline station 218+95.61, offset 20.51 feet right, thence S76º24’19”W for 22.55 feet, thence S13º35’41”E for 23.00 feet, thence N76º24’19”E for 22.59 feet, thence N13º41’14”W (N13º41’14”W NAD-83-96 Massachusetts State Plane Coordinate System Mainland zone = N02º43’25”W 1915 Magnetic Meridian) along SHLO line for 23.00 feet to the point of beginning; containing 519.2 square feet.

Parcel 7-D-7: Beginning at a point at Route 116 baseline station 221+46.40, offset 31.18 feet right, thence N84º31’29”W for 12.89 feet, thence S05º28’31”W for 23.00 feet, thence S84º31’29”E for 12.89 feet, thence along a counterclockwise arc in a northerly direction with radius 615.91 feet for 23.00 feet to the point of beginning; containing 298.2 square feet.

Parcel 7-D-8: Beginning at a point at Route 116 baseline station 223+79.61, offset 72.83 feet right, thence N62º20’55”W for 16.89 feet, thence S27º39’05”W for 23.00 feet, thence S62º20’55”E for 16.89 feet, thence along a counterclockwise arc in a northerly direction with radius 615.91 feet for 23.00 feet to the point of beginning; containing 390.2 square feet.

Parcel 7-D-10: Beginning at a point at Route 116 baseline station 226+66.05, offset 77.03 feet right, thence N61º01’42”W for 22.98 feet, thence S6º16’00”E along a property line for 28.16 feet, thence S61º59’40”E for 6.73 feet, thence along a clockwise arc in a northerly direction with radius 675.23 feet for 22.89 feet to the point of beginning; containing 339.8 square feet.

Parcel 7-D-11: Beginning at a point at Route 116 baseline station 226+68.86, offset 99.84 feet right, thence N61º01’42”W for 3.12 feet, thence S28º58’18”W for 23.00 feet, thence S61º01’45”E for 19.37 feet, thence N06º16’00”W along a property line for 28.16 feet to the point of beginning; containing 258.6 square feet.

Parcel 7-D-12: Beginning at a point at Route 116 baseline station 228+78.35, offset 26.71 feet right, thence N78º52’36”W for 24.10 feet, thence N11º07’24”E for 23.00 feet, thence S78º52’36”E for 24.10 feet, thence along a counterclockwise arc in a southerly direction with radius 675.23 feet for 23.00 feet to the point of beginning; containing 552.7 square feet.

Parcel 7-D-13: Beginning at a point at Route 116 baseline station 231+11.21, offset 30.73 feet right, thence S79º00’45”W for 14.11 feet, thence S10º59’15”E for 23.00 feet, thence N79º00’45”E for 14.61 feet, thence along a SHLO clockwise arc in a northerly direction with radius 449.81 feet for 23.01 feet to the point of beginning; containing 328.1 square feet.

Parcel 7-2: Beginning at a point at Route 116 baseline station 219+62.53, offset 20.84 feet right, thence along a clockwise arc in a southerly direction with radius 615.91 feet for 492.38 feet, thence N83º44’00”E along a property line for 69.06 feet, thence along a SHLO counterclockwise arc in a northerly direction with radius 572.83 feet for 398.76 feet, thence N13º41’14”W (N13º41’14”W NAD-83-96 Massachusetts State Plane Coordinate System Mainland zone = N02º43’25”W 1915 Magnetic Meridian) SHLO line for 76.39 feet to the point of beginning; containing 14,243.8 square feet.

Parcel 7-3: Beginning at a point at Route 116 baseline station 224+57.39, offset 28.00 feet right, thence S83º44’00”W along a property line for 69.06 feet, thence along a clockwise arc in a southerly direction with radius 615.91 feet for 53.43 feet, thence along a counterclockwise arc in a southerly direction with radius 675.23 feet for 141.85 feet, thence S06º16’00”E along a property line for 65.51 feet, thence along a SHLO clockwise arc in a northerly direction with radius 449.81 feet for 18.08 feet, thence N38º38’51”E (N38º38’51”E NAD-83-96 Massachusetts State Plane Coordinate System Mainland zone = N51º42’17”E 1915 Magnetic Meridian) SHLO line for 127.02 feet, thence along a SHLO counterclockwise arc in a northerly direction with radius 572.83 feet for 145.35 feet to the point of beginning; containing 13,518.6 square feet.

Parcel 7-4: Beginning at a point at Route 116 baseline station 227+47.14, offset 28.75 feet right, thence N06º16’00”W along a property line for 65.51 feet, thence along a counterclockwise arc in a southerly direction with radius 675.23 feet for 206.33 feet, thence along a SHLO clockwise arc in a northerly direction with radius 449.81 feet for 149.23 feet to the point of beginning; containing 3,276.8 square feet.

Parcel 7-5: Beginning at a point at Route 116 baseline station 228+93.96, offset 32.27 feet left, thence along a SHLO counterclockwise arc in a southerly direction with radius 389.81 feet for 394.17 feet to baseline station 233+15.78, offset 41.29 feet left, thence along a clockwise arc in a northerly direction with radius 615.23 feet for 383.78 feet, to the point of beginning; containing 4,930.0 square feet.

Parcel 7-6: Beginning at a point at Route 116 baseline station 233+08.71, offset 18.54 feet right, thence along a counterclockwise arc in a southerly direction with radius 675.23 feet for 137.70 feet, thence N82º20’25”E along a property line for 24.30 feet, thence N42º02’31”W (N42º02’31”W NAD-83-96 Massachusetts State Plane Coordinate System Mainland zone = N31º04’40”W 1915 Magnetic Meridian) SHLO line for 113.98 feet, thence along a SHLO clockwise arc in a northerly direction with radius 449.81 feet for 35.51 feet, to the point of beginning; containing 1,722.9 square feet.

Parcels 7-D-6, 7-D-7, 7-D-8, 7-D-10, 7-2 and 7-3 are owned by the commonwealth and are currently under the care, custody and control of the department of conservation and recreation. Parcels 7-D-11, 7-D-12, 7-D-13, 7-4, 7-5 and 7-6 are owned by the town of Amherst.

SECTION 3. The parcels of land described in section 2 are shown on a plan entitled, “Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Highway Division, Plan and Profile of Roadway Reconstruction on a Section of Route 116 (West Street) in the Town of Amherst Hampshire County, Revised Preliminary Right of Way, dated March 15, 2011, Project File No. 82250”. This plan is on file with the chief engineer of the highway division in the Massachusetts Department of Transportation.

Approved, November 21, 2011.