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The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


     Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same as follows:
     SECTION 1.  The town of North Reading may transfer from the conservation commission for conservation purposes to the board of selectmen for public way purposes, the care, custody and control of a portion of the parcel of land shown on Assessors Map 73, as Lot 4, which portion consists of the roadway known as Swan Pond road and shown on a plan entitled “Street Acceptance Plan for a Portion of Swan Pond Road in North Reading, Massachusetts,” dated September 8, 2014, prepared by LeBlanc Survey Associates, Inc., the roadway being a portion of the premises described in the order of taking recorded with the Middlesex south district registry of deeds in book 19999, page 367.
     SECTION 1A.  The town of North Reading shall transfer a parcel of land under the care, custody, management and control of the board of selectmen and dedicated for general municipal purposes to the conservation commission and the parcel shall be dedicated for conservation purposes.  If no suitable parcel can be transferred to the conservation commission, the town shall acquire a parcel of land or a conservation restriction upon private or public land as defined in section 31 of chapter 184 of the General Laws. The land shall be dedicated or restricted to conservation purposes and under the jurisdiction of the conservation commission. The parcel dedicated pursuant to this section shall be of equal or greater size and value for conservation, park or water supply purposes when compared to the parcel described in section 1.
     SECTION 1B.  If the land conveyed pursuant to section 1 ceases to be used for the purposes described in said section 1 by a discontinuance vote of town meeting,  the care, custody and control of the land shall transfer to the town of North Reading conservation commission for conservation, water supply or public park purposes upon a vote of the town meeting.
     SECTION 2.  This act shall take effect upon its passage.

  Approved, August 5, 2015.