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February 02, 2025 Clouds | 12°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

SECTION 1.  Notwithstanding chapter 30B of the General Laws or any other general or special law to the contrary, the town of Marion may transfer to the care, custody and control of the board of selectmen of the town the parcel of land described in section 2 currently held by the conservation commission of the town for conservation purposes; provided, however, that upon the transfer, the board of selectmen may enter into an agreement with A & J Boat Corporation to convey a fee interest in all or a portion of the parcel as the board of selectmen deems necessary or appropriate; and provided further, that the board of selectmen may require that the fee be merged with an adjacent lot owned by A & J Boat Corporation and that it shall not be a separate buildable lot as conditions of the conveyance.

SECTION 2.  The parcel of land referred to in section 1 is property of the conservation commission of the town of Marion and is located on Boat Works Lane in the town and further identified as Parcel 41A on a Plan of Land prepared for “the Trust of Public Land”, recorded in Plymouth county registry of deeds in plan book 39, page 24, containing 17,487 square feet.   

SECTION 3.  In consideration for the transfer, conveyance and change of use of all or a portion of the parcel of land to be conveyed pursuant to section 1, the board of selectmen shall acquire by purchase, gift or eminent domain and shall dedicate for conservation purposes under the care, custody and control of the conservation commission of the town of Marion, pursuant to section 8C of chapter 40 of the General Laws and Article 97 of the Amendments to the Constitution, the land and property owned or controlled by A and J Boat Corporation, located off Point road and further identified as Lot 17 on the town’s assessor’s Map 7A, containing 4.22 acres or 183,823 square feet, more or less.  

SECTION 4.  This act shall take effect upon its passage.

Approved, February 21, 2020.