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January 22, 2025 Clouds | 12°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


     Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

     SECTION 1.  Section 1 of chapter 381 of the acts of 2014 is hereby amended by striking out subsection (c) and inserting in place thereof the following subsection:-
     (c)  appoint the town counsel and any special counsels, and all members of committees, boards and commissions except the finance committee and except those appointed by the moderator, elected by the voters or under the jurisdiction of the school committee or of the board of public works and may make appointments to temporary posts and committees the board creates for special purposes;
     SECTION 2.  Section 2 of said chapter 381 is hereby amended by striking out subsection (e) and inserting in place thereof the following subsection:-
     (e)  Manage and direct the daily reporting and supervision of all town departments under  the jurisdiction of the board of selectmen, including: assessors, building commission, council on aging, police, civil defense, animal control officer, gas inspector, plumbing inspector, wiring  inspector and weights and measures inspector, recreation, tree, planning, finance, finance  director, collector, treasurer, accounting, veterans, town counsel, other committees appointed by  and under the jurisdiction of the board of selectmen and the fire department, subject to section 42  of chapter 48 of the General Laws, but not including the school department or the public works  department.
     SECTION 3.  Said section 2 of said chapter 381 is hereby further amended by striking out subsection (g) and inserting in place thereof the following subsection:- 
     (g)  Except with respect to the school department, and except with respect to the hiring and firing of employees within the public works department, the town administrator shall have sole authority over the administration of personnel policies for all town employees. With respect to the fire department, such authority shall be subject to section 42 of chapter 48 of the General Laws. The town administrator shall act as the personnel board under all applicable laws and by-laws, except as otherwise set forth in this act. The personnel board as presently constituted shall be eliminated upon the appointment of the town administrator. The town may enact by-laws establishing the wages, salaries and other benefits of employees, which shall be consistent with the authority granted to the town administrator in this act. Notwithstanding the elimination of the personnel board, all actions taken prior to the appointment of the town administrator by the personnel board within its authority, and by any other town official or board, with respect to personnel, including the appointment of all officers and employees, shall continue in full force and effect subject to future action by the town administrator within the town administrator's authority.
     SECTION 4.  Said section 2 of said chapter 381 is hereby further amended by striking out subsection (k) and inserting in place thereof the following subsection:-
     (k)  With the approval of the board of selectmen, negotiate all collective bargaining agreements on behalf of the town, except for the school department. In collective bargaining negotiations with unions representing employees in the public works department, the town will be represented by the town administrator, the superintendent of public works and a member of the board of public works.  The town administrator may seek the assistance of labor counsel if the town administrator deems it necessary to effect successful negotiations. All final agreements must be approved and executed by the board of selectmen.
     SECTION 5.  Said section 2 of said chapter 381 is hereby further amended by striking out subsection (m) and inserting in place thereof the following subsection:-
     (m)  Submit to the board of selectmen a written proposed budget for town government for the ensuing fiscal year. The proposed budget shall detail all estimated revenue from all sources, and all proposed expenditures, including debt service for the previous, current and ensuing 5 years. The proposed budget shall include proposed expenditures for both current operations and capital projects during the ensuing year, detailed by department, committee, agency, purpose and position and proposed financing methods. The proposed budget shall include estimated revenues and free cash available at the close of the fiscal year, including estimated balances in special accounts. The town may, by by-law establish additional financial information and reports to be provided by the town administrator. To assist the town administrator in preparing the proposed annual budget of revenue and expenditures, the finance director, all boards, officers and committees of the town, including the school committee and the board of public works, shall furnish to the town administrator, in a writing in such a form as the town administrator shall establish, all relevant information in their possession, including a detailed estimate of the appropriations required and any available funds.  
     SECTION 6.  Said section 2 of said chapter 381 is hereby further amended by striking out subsection (v) and inserting in place thereof the following subsection:-
     (v)  Manage and oversee the use, maintenance, security and, with the approval of the board of selectmen, regulate the rental for all the town buildings, properties and facilities, including information technology, except those under the jurisdiction of the school department or the public works department, unless so requested by either of those departments.
     SECTION 7.  Said section 2 of said chapter 381 is hereby further amended by striking out subsection (x) and inserting in place thereof the following subsection:-
     (x)  With the approval of the board of selectmen, prosecute, defend and settle all litigation for or against the town or its officers and employees, subject to such appropriation as may be necessary to effect settlement, except for litigation involving only the school department or the public works department, unless so requested by either of those departments.
     SECTION 8.  Chapter 389 of the acts of 2014 is hereby repealed.
     SECTION 9.  This act shall take effect upon its passage.

Approved, January 6, 2020.