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February 07, 2025 Clear | 27°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
H.1239  An Act relative to a technical correction of Chapter 284 of the Acts of 2014 Nicholas A. Boldyga
H.1246  An Act relative to firearms licensing duration and fees David F. DeCoste
H.1247  An Act relative to firearms storage David F. DeCoste
H.1253  An Act relative to the lawful return of property Shawn Dooley
H.1265  An Act relative to non-resident firearm licensing Patricia A. Haddad
H.1278  An Act relative to senior gun ownership fees Kevin J. Kuros
H.1280  An Act to clarify the prosecution of illegal guns David Paul Linsky
H.1281  An Act to close the assault weapon magazine loophole David Paul Linsky
H.1282  An Act to clarify the definition of a "violent crime" in Chapter 140 David Paul Linsky
H.1283  An Act relative to universal background checks for private gun sales David Paul Linsky
H.1284  An Act relative to weapon regulation Marc T. Lombardo
H.1285  An Act relative to the definition of assault weapons Marc T. Lombardo
H.1287  An Act relative to unloaded rifles or shotguns Paul W. Mark
H.1290  An Act relative to change of address for firearm licensing Joseph D. McKenna
H.1296  An Act relative to constitutional rights James R. Miceli
H.1309  An Act relative to firearms and recreational vehicles Todd M. Smola
H.1310  An Act relative to the lawful sale of handguns Todd M. Smola
H.1315  An Act relative to firearm owners protection David T. Vieira
H.2485  An Act relative to the lawful sale of ammunition Angelo L. D'Emilia
H.2495  An Act to require liability insurance for gun ownership David Paul Linsky
H.2496  An Act providing for mental wellness training for police officers James J. Lyons, Jr.
H.2497  An Act creating a statewide gun offender registry Aaron Michlewitz
H.2507  An Act relative to fair licensing Todd M. Smola
H.2508  An Act relative to expanding the fee exemption for renewing a license to carry to include veterans Theodore C. Speliotis
H.2510  An Act relative to gun free zones John C. Velis
H.2512  An Act relative to previously licensed gun owners Susannah M. Whipps
H.3254  An Act relative to hearings for firearms identification Donald R. Berthiaume, Jr.
H.3260  An Act relative to creating an Olympic firearm roster Sheila C. Harrington
H.3271  An Act establishing a smart gun technology task force Alice Hanlon Peisch
H.3609  An Act relative to imitation firearms Daniel Cullinane
H.3610  An Act temporarily preventing firearm access for extremely dangerous or suicidal individuals Marjorie C. Decker
S.1287  An Act regarding the prevention of illegal trafficking and gun violence among youth in the Commonwealth Sonia Chang-Diaz
H.3611  An Act authorizing the voluntary disavowal of eligibility to purchase a firearm Marjorie C. Decker
S.1292  An Act relative to data collection on multiple gun purchases Cynthia Stone Creem
S.1298  An Act relative to firearms and firearms violence Cynthia Stone Creem
S.1302  An Act increasing the penalties for the illegal possession of firearms Eileen M. Donoghue
S.1309  An Act prohibiting the confiscation of lawfully owned firearms during a state of emergency Ryan C. Fattman
S.1311  Resolve providing for a study by a special commission relative to the primary prevention of gun violence Linda Dorcena Forry
S.1315  An Act further regulating the issuance of firearms identification cards Anne M. Gobi
S.1316  An Act relative to the sale of firearms Anne M. Gobi
S.1317  An Act relative to suppressors Donald F. Humason, Jr.
S.1319  An Act relative to firearms and recreational vehicles Donald F. Humason, Jr.
S.1320  An Act relative to non-resident firearm license fees Donald F. Humason, Jr.
S.1321  An Act relative to the lawful sale of ammunition Donald F. Humason, Jr.
S.1322  An Act relative to the lawful sale of handguns Donald F. Humason, Jr.
S.1323  An Act relative to unloaded rifles or shotguns Donald F. Humason, Jr.
S.1326  An Act clarifying firearms oversight Donald F. Humason, Jr.
S.1324  An Act relative to change of address for firearm licensing Donald F. Humason, Jr.
S.1325  An Act repealing the ban on modern sporting rifles Donald F. Humason, Jr.
S.1338  An Act relative to equitable firearm license fees Michael O. Moore
S.1339  An Act relative to non-resident firearm license fees Michael O. Moore
S.1340  An Act relative to suppressors Michael O. Moore
S.1354  An Act prohibiting the illegal lending of firearms Richard J. Ross
H.1319  An Act to promote school safety Timothy R. Whelan
S.1365  An Act to protect law abiding citizens and strengthen public safety Bruce E. Tarr