About this step
The Senate Committee on Ways and Means examines both the Governor's proposal and the House proposal and releases its own recommendations for the annual budget for deliberation by the Senate.

This site will provide access to all fiscal year 2017 Senate Budget documents when released from committee in the coming weeks. Thank you for visiting this page and please check back often.
Link to Committee Staff
Senate Committee on Ways and Means
Senator Karen E. Spilka
Senator Sal N. DiDomenico
Vice Chair
Senator Patricia D. Jehlen
Assistant Vice Chair
Senator Viriato M. deMacedo
Ranking Minority Member
Committee Members
Senator William N. Brownsberger
Senator Sonia Chang-Díaz
Senator Kenneth J. Donnelly
Senator Eileen M. Donoghue
Senator Benjamin B. Downing
Senator Donald F. Humason, Jr.
Senator John F. Keenan
Senator Joan B. Lovely
Senator Thomas M. McGee
Senator Michael O. Moore
Senator Kathleen O'Conner Ives
Senator Richard J. Ross
Senator Michael F. Rush
Senator James E. Timilty
Marcelene Baptiste, Jonah Beckley, Zach Blair, Sarah Blodgett, Adriana M. Campos, Aaron Carty, Jimmy Cowdell, Sean Cuff, Dennis Donovan, Shylah Duchicela, Dennis Giombetti, Stephanie Gunselman, David Hock, Martha Kwasnik, Rachel Lefsky, Chris Marino, Puja Mehta, Mary Anne J. Padien, Will Poff-Webster, Katie Verra, Khushbu Webber