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January 02, 2025 Clouds | 35°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Public Service

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
H.2179  An Act relative to GIC composition and transparency Peter Capano
H.2189  An Act relative to Group Health Insurance Commission Tackey Chan
H.2193  An Act relative to public hearings of the Group Insurance Commission Tackey Chan
H.2207  An Act relative to mandatory coverage for certain health screenings for firefighters Claire D. Cronin
H.2209  An Act to provide diabetes prevention program benefits Daniel R. Cullinane
H.2215  An Act relative to GIC dental and vision benefits for municipal employees Mark J. Cusack
H.2219  An Act relative to protecting local retirees Michael S. Day
H.2222  An Act relative to health insurance for surviving spouses Marjorie C. Decker
H.2242  An Act relative to retirement and health insurance benefits in Massachusetts Peter J. Durant
H.2245  An Act relative to the size of the Group Insurance Commission board Tricia Farley-Bouvier
H.2247  An Act relative to fair worker representation on joint purchasing group committees Dylan A. Fernandes
H.2264  An Act relative to death benefits to surviving spouses of call and volunteer firefighters Carmine Lawrence Gentile
H.2273  An Act further regulating the withdrawal of local subscribers from commission Thomas A. Golden, Jr.
H.2304  An Act relative to the commonwealth contribution for lowest cost plan Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.2312  An Act further regulating group insurance benefits for state employees and retired state employees John J. Lawn, Jr.
H.2321  An Act relative to future public retiree healthcare benefits Ronald Mariano
H.2323  An Act establishing fairness in GIC premium contributions Paul W. Mark
H.2325  An Act relative to public safety line of duty benefits Paul McMurtry
H.2365  An Act providing prescription drug cost reimbursements to elderly governmental retirees Alan Silvia
S.1470  An Act relative to local public housing authorities access to the dental and vision insurance plan managed by the group insurance commission Michael D. Brady
S.1472  An Act relative to eligibility for state group health insurance Michael D. Brady
S.1476  An Act relative to OBRA retirement accounts William N. Brownsberger
S.1477  An Act to protect non-medicare retirees William N. Brownsberger
S.1489  An Act further regulating group insurance benefits for state employees and retired state employees Brendan P. Crighton
S.1500  An Act relative to fair worker representation on joint purchasing group committees Julian Cyr
S.1506  An Act relative to retirement benefits for care givers at the Soldiers' Homes Sal N. DiDomenico
S.1522  An Act relative to the composition of the Group Insurance Commission Paul R. Feeney
S.1523  An Act relative to protecting local retirees Paul R. Feeney
S.1525  An Act to provide diabetes prevention program benefits Paul R. Feeney
S.1532  An Act relative to Group Insurance Commission premium contributions Cindy F. Friedman
S.1537  An Act reforming the group insurance commission Cindy F. Friedman
S.1548  An Act relative to GIC dental and vision benefits for municipal employees John F. Keenan
S.1559  An Act relative to retired public employees not eligible for Medicare Michael O. Moore
S.1566  An Act relative to the size of the Group Insurance Commission Board Patrick M. O'Connor
S.1568  An Act providing health insurance coverage to the surviving children of police officers and firefighters killed in the line of duty Patrick M. O'Connor
S.1574  An Act relative to group insurance costs Marc R. Pacheco
S.1575  An Act relative to health insurance for surviving spouses Marc R. Pacheco
S.1587  An Act expanding insurance choices for state and local employees Bruce E. Tarr
S.1590  An Act expanding insurance choices for state and local employees Bruce E. Tarr
S.2293  An Act relative to special police officers in the town of West Bridgewater Walter F. Timilty