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January 20, 2025 Clouds | 24°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Transportation

Bill Bill Title Sponsor
H.2956  An Act further regulating junior operator licenses Bruce J. Ayers
H.2958  An Act to regulate the training and supervision of snowmobiles Bruce J. Ayers
H.2967  An Act establishing a motorcycle safety fund Jennifer E. Benson
H.2978  An Act relative to a motorcycle safety fund Daniel Cahill
H.2980  An Act relative to the Save Our Children’s Sight Fund Gerard J. Cassidy
H.2991  An Act limiting autonomous driving capabilities to zero emission and electric vehicles Michael S. Day
H.2995  An Act relative to the clarification for the definition, testing regulations, and enforcement of motorcycle sound emissions Angelo L. D'Emilia
H.3000  An Act establishing driver privilege cards for undocumented residents of the Commonwealth Shawn Dooley
H.3003  An Act relative to motor vehicle number plates in the Commonwealth Peter J. Durant
H.3013  An Act to promote the safe integration of autonomous vehicles into the transportation system of the Commonwealth Tricia Farley-Bouvier
H.3015  An Act establishing an auction or online transfer for low number registration plates in the Registry of Motor Vehicles Ann-Margaret Ferrante
H.3017  An Act relative to low digit number plates on leased vehicles William C. Galvin
H.3020  An Act relative to motorcycle inspections William C. Galvin
H.3033  An Act to establish driver education and training reform Carlos González
H.3035  An Act exempting veterans from the standard registration fee for veterans license plates Richard M. Haggerty
H.3041  An Act relative to updating Massachusetts driver education Bradford Hill
H.3042  An Act relative to license plates for disabled veterans Bradford Hill
H.3043  An Act relative to motorcycle safety Bradford Hill
H.3044  An Act to expand veteran license plate eligibility Kate Hogan
H.3054  An Act relative to distinctive registration plates for firefighters Steven S. Howitt
H.3062  An Act relative to driver education Hannah Kane
H.3064  An Act relative to certain motorcycle travel James M. Kelcourse
H.3071  An Act relative to motorcycle helmet choice Marc T. Lombardo
H.3079  An Act providing for a distinctive registration plate for firefighters Paul W. Mark
H.3081  An Act relative to student drivers Paul W. Mark
H.3089  An Act relative to autonomous vehicles Aaron Michlewitz
H.3096  An Act establishing the Massachusetts law enforcement support license plate James M. Murphy
H.3100  An Act relative to military license plates Harold P. Naughton, Jr.
H.3125  An Act to further regulate motorcycle exhaust sound levels Jeffrey N. Roy
H.3128  An Act to reduce the fee for motor vehicle veteran registration plates Paul A. Schmid, III
H.3131  An Act to authorize firefighter motorcycle license plates Todd M. Smola
H.3137  An Act to enhance the license plate system of the Commonwealth Theodore C. Speliotis
H.3138  An Act allowing a service branch designation on license plates for disabled veterans Theodore C. Speliotis
H.3143  An Act relative to autonomous vehicles William M. Straus
H.3155  An Act relative to amateur radio operator license plates William M. Straus
H.3161  An Act to add law enforcement councils to the registration of motor vehicles and trailers Paul F. Tucker
H.3166  An Act to authorize Massachusetts Fallen Firefighter Memorial motorcycle license plates Steven Ultrino
H.3169  An Act relative to Purple Heart registration plates John C. Velis
H.3172  An Act relative to federally recognized Native American tribes David T. Vieira
H.3182  An Act relative to motorcycle safety with malfunctioning traffic signals not detecting motorcycles Timothy R. Whelan
H.3583  An Act to enhance trail crossing safety of state roads William J. Driscoll, Jr.
H.3592  An Act requiring backup cameras on certain vehicles Marjorie C. Decker
H.3672  An Act relative to event data recorders in autonomous vehicles Timothy R. Whelan
H.3733  An Act relative to vehicle registration plates of veterans James Arciero
H.3734  An Act relative to Disabled Veterans Plates and Placards James Arciero
S.1171  An Act relative to municipal authority to address congestion and emission impacts of TNCs Nick Collins
S.2032  An Act relative to drug screening for ride for hire drivers Joseph A. Boncore
S.2056  An Act relative to the cybersecurity of the internet connected devices and autonomous vehicles Cynthia Stone Creem
S.2065  An Act relative to an arts license plate Julian Cyr
S.2067  An Act relative to driver education Viriato M. deMacedo
S.2068  An Act relative to the registration of motor vehicles and trailers for law enforcement councils Viriato M. deMacedo
S.2070  An Act relative to student driver safety Sal N. DiDomenico
S.2074  An Act establishing special license plates in support of Massachusetts law enforcement Diana DiZoglio
S.2077  An Act allowing in specific situations, motorcyclists use of a breakdown or access lane, or splitting travel lanes Diana DiZoglio
S.2089  An Act providing for distinctive registration plates for certain veterans who participated in the testing of atomic weapons Anne M. Gobi
S.2090  An Act relative to standards for protective headgear for operators or passengers on motorcycles Anne M. Gobi
S.2091  An Act to promote and advance motorcycle safety Anne M. Gobi
S.2094  An Act relative to a motorcycle safety fund Anne M. Gobi
S.2101  An Act relative to Purple Heart registration plates Donald F. Humason, Jr.
S.2115  An Act to promote the safe integration of autonomous vehicles into the transportation system of the Commonwealth Jason M. Lewis
S.2117  An Act relative to motorcycle parking Joan B. Lovely
S.2125  An Act relative to distinctive plates for veterans Patrick M. O'Connor
S.2143  An Act establishing the Blue Star Family license plate Bruce E. Tarr
S.2289  An Act relative to public safety and transparency by transportation network companies Charles D. Baker
S.2333  An Act allowing for a Legion of Merit license plate Viriato M. deMacedo
S.2380  An Act relative to motorcycle helmets Michael D. Brady