Item Name | Start Time | Duration | Webcast |
Joint Committee On Education - 10-4-2023 | 10/4/2023 2:00 PM | 05:48:28 |
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Bill | Bill Title | Sponsor |
H.511 | An Act establishing an educational mandate task force | Hannah Kane |
H.508 | An Act relative to an educational unfunded mandate task force | Bradley H. Jones, Jr. |
H.600 | An Act fulfilling the promise of education reform | Andres X. Vargas |
S.267 | An Act fulfilling the promise of education reform | Sal N. DiDomenico |
S.339 | An Act further regulating receivership of school districts designated as chronically underperforming | Jacob R. Oliveira |
H.519 | An Act concerning equitable state summative assessments of students | Meghan K. Kilcoyne |
S.349 | An Act creating a grant program on alternative assessment models | Michael F. Rush |
H.495 | An Act empowering students and schools to thrive | James K. Hawkins |
S.246 | An Act empowering students and schools to thrive | Joanne M. Comerford |
S.307 | An Act establishing a special commission to re-imagine school assessment and accountability | Jason M. Lewis |
H.430 | An Act relative to accommodations for special needs students taking the MCAS examination | Bruce J. Ayers |
S.324 | An Act relative to accommodations for special needs students taking the MCAS examination | Patrick M. O'Connor |
H.518 | An Act relative to equity and inclusion in education | Meghan K. Kilcoyne |
H.506 | An Act relative to non-public school student access to the MCAS exam | Bradley H. Jones, Jr. |
S.293 | An Act relative to student assessment data | Patricia D. Jehlen |
H.488 | An Act to eliminate the use of the mcas for high school graduation | Carlos González |
H.572 | An Act ensuring student representation, Aidan's law | Adam J. Scanlon |
S.273 | An Act ensuring student representation, Aidan's Law | Paul R. Feeney |
S.347 | An Act modernizing the board of elementary and secondary education | Rebecca L. Rausch |
H.457 | An Act parental rights legislation | David F. DeCoste |
H.459 | An Act relative to creating statutes relating to requiring school boards to make information about learning materials and educational activities used for pupil instruction available to the public | David F. DeCoste |
H.482 | An Act relative to school committee oversight | William C. Galvin |
H.3944 | An Act relative to school site councils and the district parent advisory council | Manny Cruz |
S.287 | An Act relative to student representative relative to student representative voting rights | Adam Gomez |
H.474 | An Act relative to student representative voting rights | Tricia Farley-Bouvier |
H.446 | An Act relative to student voice | Manny Cruz |
H.596 | An Act relative to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education | Steven Ultrino |
S.291 | An Act relative to the board of elementary and secondary education | Patricia D. Jehlen |
H.425 | An Act to ensure equitable representation of required parent advisory councils to school committees | James Arciero |
H.3572 | An Act to promote democratic accountability in the board of elementary and secondary education | David Henry Argosky LeBoeuf |
S.345 | An Act to update accuracy of membership to the state advisory council on early education and care | Rebecca L. Rausch |
H.551 | An Act updating the accuracy of membership to the state advisory council on early education and care | Alice Hanlon Peisch |