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February 11, 2025 Snow | 32°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on Education

Item Name Start Time Duration Webcast
Joint Committee On Education - 10-4-2023 10/4/2023 2:00 PM 05:48:28
Bill Bill Title Sponsor
H.511  An Act establishing an educational mandate task force Hannah Kane
H.508  An Act relative to an educational unfunded mandate task force Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.600  An Act fulfilling the promise of education reform Andres X. Vargas
S.267  An Act fulfilling the promise of education reform Sal N. DiDomenico
S.339  An Act further regulating receivership of school districts designated as chronically underperforming Jacob R. Oliveira
H.519  An Act concerning equitable state summative assessments of students Meghan K. Kilcoyne
S.349  An Act creating a grant program on alternative assessment models Michael F. Rush
H.495  An Act empowering students and schools to thrive James K. Hawkins
S.246  An Act empowering students and schools to thrive Joanne M. Comerford
S.307  An Act establishing a special commission to re-imagine school assessment and accountability Jason M. Lewis
H.430  An Act relative to accommodations for special needs students taking the MCAS examination Bruce J. Ayers
S.324  An Act relative to accommodations for special needs students taking the MCAS examination Patrick M. O'Connor
H.518  An Act relative to equity and inclusion in education Meghan K. Kilcoyne
H.506  An Act relative to non-public school student access to the MCAS exam Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
S.293  An Act relative to student assessment data Patricia D. Jehlen
H.488  An Act to eliminate the use of the mcas for high school graduation Carlos González
H.572  An Act ensuring student representation, Aidan's law Adam J. Scanlon
S.273  An Act ensuring student representation, Aidan's Law Paul R. Feeney
S.347  An Act modernizing the board of elementary and secondary education Rebecca L. Rausch
H.457  An Act parental rights legislation David F. DeCoste
H.459  An Act relative to creating statutes relating to requiring school boards to make information about learning materials and educational activities used for pupil instruction available to the public David F. DeCoste
H.482  An Act relative to school committee oversight William C. Galvin
H.3944  An Act relative to school site councils and the district parent advisory council Manny Cruz
S.287  An Act relative to student representative relative to student representative voting rights Adam Gomez
H.474  An Act relative to student representative voting rights Tricia Farley-Bouvier
H.446  An Act relative to student voice Manny Cruz
H.596  An Act relative to the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Steven Ultrino
S.291  An Act relative to the board of elementary and secondary education Patricia D. Jehlen
H.425  An Act to ensure equitable representation of required parent advisory councils to school committees James Arciero
H.3572  An Act to promote democratic accountability in the board of elementary and secondary education David Henry Argosky LeBoeuf
S.345  An Act to update accuracy of membership to the state advisory council on early education and care Rebecca L. Rausch
H.551  An Act updating the accuracy of membership to the state advisory council on early education and care Alice Hanlon Peisch