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February 07, 2025 Clear | 27°F
The 194th General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Hearing DetailsJoint Committee on the Judiciary

Item Name Start Time Duration Webcast
Joint Committee on the Judiciary -- 5-16-2023 5/16/2023 1:00 PM 05:12:05
Bill Bill Title Sponsor
H.1387  An Act relative to air traffic safety Bruce J. Ayers
H.1407  An Act relative to criminal harassment against a sports official Daniel Cahill
H.1418  An Act relative to restraining orders as they pertain to hate crimes Tackey Chan
H.1420  An Act relative to violent crimes Tackey Chan
H.1427  An Act relative to the assault on and aggravated harassment of sports officials Rob Consalvo
H.1463  An Act relative to unborn victims of violence David F. DeCoste
H.1467  An Act to prevent aiding, supporting, or enticing a child to runaway Angelo L. D'Emilia
H.1475  An Act to prevent assaults on sports officials Rodney M. Elliott
H.1488  An Act relative to unmanned aerial vehicles Michael J. Finn
H.1504  An Act to further protect children Colleen M. Garry
H.1505  An Act relative to the concealment of the death of children and the penalties for the sale or purchase of minor children Colleen M. Garry
H.1512  An Act relative to annoying telephone calls Colleen M. Garry
H.1513  An Act relative to manslaughter by protest Colleen M. Garry
H.1531  An Act relative to penalties for crimes against seniors Carlos González
H.1548  An Act relative to preventing suicide Natalie M. Higgins
H.1551  An Act to protect victims of stalking in violation of harassment prevention orders Kate Hogan
H.1576  An Act relative to school and public threats Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.1581  An Act relative to the protection of children Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.1582  An Act relative to the enticement of children online Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.1586  An Act relative to fetal homicide Bradley H. Jones, Jr.
H.1597  An Act to strengthen justice and support for sex trade survivors Mary S. Keefe
H.1610  An Act relative to employees of private railroads Kathleen R. LaNatra
H.1611  An Act relative to the definition of attempted murder Kathleen R. LaNatra
H.1635  An Act protecting property of elder or disabled persons Kate Lipper-Garabedian
H.1636  An Act providing protection from child enticement Kate Lipper-Garabedian
H.1657  An Act relative to strengthening the penalty for assault or assault and battery on an emergency medical technician, ambulance operator, ambulance attendant or health care provider John J. Mahoney
H.1658  An Act relative to solicitation of a juvenile under sixteen to commit murder Christopher M. Markey
H.1662  An Act to improve transparency in alleged police misconduct Christopher M. Markey
H.1669  An Act relative to the offense of assault and battery upon a transit worker Joseph W. McGonagle, Jr.
H.1683  An Act to stop profiling transgender people and low-income women Samantha Montaño
H.1696  An Act regarding willful injury to public defenders and other court personnel James M. Murphy
H.1724  An Act relative to recreational games at senior centers Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr.
H.1753  An Act concerning assault of a sports official Jeffrey N. Roy
H.1757  An Act to promote the health and safety of people in the sex trade Lindsay N. Sabadosa
H.1758  An Act to prevent human trafficking and improve the health and safety of sex workers Lindsay N. Sabadosa
H.1766  An Act regularizing sentencing for hate crimes Priscila S. Sousa
H.1767  An Act establishing penalties for the filing of false reports against police officers Thomas M. Stanley
H.1773  An Act to promote correctional personnel safety Alyson M. Sullivan-Almeida
H.1807  An Act to prevent aiding, supporting, or enticing a child to runaway Marcus S. Vaughn
H.1814  An Act to protect employees of DCF Susannah M. Whipps
H.1817  An Act decriminalizing non-violent and verbal student misconduct Bud L. Williams
H.1823  An Act relative to assault and battery against healthcare personnel, school officials, and first responders Steven George Xiarhos
H.1825  An Act relative to enhanced penalties for those who commit assault and battery against school sports officials Steven George Xiarhos
H.1828  An Act relative to corrections officer safety Jonathan D. Zlotnik
S.1013  An Act to protect election workers John F. Keenan
S.1027  An Act relative to extend the statute of limitations for human trafficking Jason M. Lewis
S.1030  An Act providing protection from child enticement Jason M. Lewis
S.1046  An Act to prevent human trafficking and improve the health and safety of sex workers Liz Miranda
S.1057  An Act to strengthen laws combatting human trafficking and protecting survivors of modern-day slavery Mark C. Montigny
S.1061  An Act to enhance the lives of survivors of human trafficking Mark C. Montigny
S.1062  An Act extending the statute of limitations for certain actions involving international human rights abuses Mark C. Montigny
S.1063  An Act to prevent human trafficking through increased public awareness Mark C. Montigny
S.1069  An Act extending the civil statute of limitations for child abuse Michael O. Moore
S.1084  An Act relative to preventing ocean littering Patrick M. O'Connor
S.1086  An Act relative to juvenile offenders Patrick M. O'Connor
S.1121  An Act relative to hate crimes Bruce E. Tarr
S.1135  An Act establishing penalties for the filing of false reports against police officers John C. Velis
S.1143  An Act relative to recreational games at senior centers John C. Velis
S.906  An Act strengthening the penalty for assault or assault and battery on emergency medical technician, ambulance operator, ambulance attendant or health care provider Michael D. Brady
S.911  An Act relative to employees of private railroads Michael D. Brady
S.945  An Act to stop profiling transgender people and low-income women Julian Cyr
S.967  An Act eradicating human trafficking and promoting transparency in the retail supply chain Paul R. Feeney
S.973  An Act relative to preventing suicide Barry R. Finegold
S.983  An Act to strengthen justice and support for sex trade survivors Cindy F. Friedman