About this step
The full body of the House of Representatives considers amendments to the House Ways and Means recommendations, and debates their inclusion in the bill. This is a very busy time for the House of Representatives, as the Representatives and their staffs are constantly working to make sure the concerns and needs of their constituents are addressed in the final budget.
Amendment Text & Status
Amendment | Sponsor | Title | Subject | Action |
Campanale, Kate D. | Establishing a tax credit and personal income tax deduction for student loan assistance | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Story, Ellen | Postpartum Depression Pilot | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Lawn, John J. | Board of Cosmetology & Barbering | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted | |
Story, Ellen | Craig's Doors | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Hunt, Randy | An Amendment to Provide Adequate Funding for Tourism Promotion Efforts in the Glass Town Cultural District | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Story, Ellen | Microlending line item | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Muratore, Mathew | Plymouth 400 Celebration | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Day, Michael | Aberjona Riverbank restoration | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Day, Michael | Fire Department uniform sanitizing equipment | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Day, Michael | Zoo New England | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Kaufman, Jay R. | METCO | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Vega, Aaron | Workforce Education in Holyoke | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Day, Michael | Massachusetts Patient Access and Safety Commission | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted | |
Lawn, John J. | Waltham Public Safety Improvements | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Kaufman, Jay R. | Housing Court Expansion | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Vega, Aaron | Holyoke Police Community Outreach | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Lawn, John J. | Watertown Public Safety Improvements | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Kaufman, Jay R. | Statewide Housing Court | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Rogers, John H. | sediment core testing | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Vega, Aaron | Holyoke Fire Department Narcan | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Koczera, Robert M. | New Bedford and Fall River Youth Courts | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Rogers, John H. | Relative to fulfilling the Commonwealth's obligation resulting from civil action no. 96-cv-11598MEL | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Rogers, John H. | An amendment relative to the officers of the court | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Cutler, Josh | An Act relative to police pursuits | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Cutler, Josh | An Amendment designating the Lieutenant David C. Hall commuter rail station | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Cutler, Josh | An Amendment to reduce the annual filing fee for small limited liability companies | Revenue | Rejected | |
Cutler, Josh | An Amendment relative to insurance coverage for PANDAS/PANS | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Walsh, Thomas P. | Peabody Centennial Celebration | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Walsh, Thomas P. | Peabody Fire and Police Memorial | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Gordon, Kenneth | An Amendment to Ensure Adequate Funding for Towns Negatively Impacted by Shortfalls in Federal Impact Aid | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Walsh, Thomas P. | Peabody Rail Trolley Study | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Walsh, Thomas P. | Peabody Water Treatment Study | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Whelan, Timothy R. | An Act to Add the Third Cottage in Nickerson State Park | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted | |
Whelan, Timothy R. | An Amendment for The Barnstable Country Fire & Rescue Training Academy | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Crighton, Brendan P. | Bicycle Connectivity | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Crighton, Brendan P. | Dental Program For Children | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Whelan, Timothy R. | An Amendment For Anti-Addiction Education Programs in the Nauset Regional School District | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Whelan, Timothy R. | An Amendment to Develop Anti-Addiction Programs in the Dennis-Yarmouth Regional School District | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Crighton, Brendan P. | Lynn Commuter Ferry | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Crighton, Brendan P. | Carroll Parkway Improvements | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Crighton, Brendan P. | Barry Park Infrastructure Improvements | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Crighton, Brendan P. | E-Team Machinist Program | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Cutler, Josh | Pembroke Invasive Pond Vegetation Management | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Crighton, Brendan P. | Public Safety Improvements | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Cutler, Josh | Pilgrim Burial Site Preservation | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Crighton, Brendan P. | Russian Community Association | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Donato, Paul J. | DCF Lead Agency | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Donato, Paul J. | DLTA | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Donato, Paul J. | Grandparents Commision | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Donato, Paul J. | Low Income Home Energy Assistance | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Donato, Paul J. | Meals on Wheels | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Donato, Paul J. | MRVP | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Donato, Paul J. | Portal to Hope | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Donato, Paul J. | Relative to Trial Court Reporters | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Donato, Paul J. | Family Resource Centers | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Stanley, Thomas M. | Waltham Tourism Council | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Garlick, Denise C. | Needham Fire Department | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Stanley, Thomas M. | District Local Technical Assistance Fund | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Pignatelli, William Smitty | Technical Correction: Name of Berkshire Regional Tourism Council | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Toomey, Timothy J. | Alternative Housing Voucher Program (AHVP) Line Item | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Pignatelli, William Smitty | Berkshire County Youth Development Project | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Toomey, Timothy J. | Alternative Housing Voucher Program (AHVP) Outside Section | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Gifford, Susan Williams | An Amendment to hire a full time director for the Council on Aging program in Wareham | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Madaro, Adrian | Shannon Grant | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Walsh, Chris | Chapter 70 Target Share Equity | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Madaro, Adrian | Homes for Families | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Tucker, Paul | Regional Tourism Council funding | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Whelan, Timothy R. | An Act for the Commission for Sight Loss Services, Inc. Cape Cod & Islands | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Day, Michael | Historic Organ Restoration | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Cassidy, Gerard | Crosby Central Administration Building | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Heroux, Paul | Student Awareness Fire Education | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Mirra, Leonard | Construction of a playground at the Helen R. Donaghue School in Merrimac | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Cullinane, Daniel | Haitian American Public Health Initiative (HAPHI) | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Cullinane, Daniel | Mattapan Integrative Care Partnership | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Rogers, John H. | Prison Mitigation | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Crighton, Brendan P. | Dam Inspections | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Cutler, Josh | Flood Relief Equipment | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Crighton, Brendan P. | Pond Vegetation | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Crighton, Brendan P. | GIS Project | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Crighton, Brendan P. | Management Information System | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Tucker, Paul | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Berkshire Central Registry of Deeds | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Ryan, Daniel J. | Korean War Memorial | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Berkshire North Registry of Deeds | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Berkshire South Registry of Deeds | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Silvia, Alan | Gold Star Families State Memorial | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Hunt, Daniel J. | Harbor Point Health Center | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Howitt, Steven S. | Maintenance of the Pond Street Bridge in the Town of Seekonk | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
DeCoste, David F. | Improvements on the Veteran's Memorial in Rockland | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Howitt, Steven S. | Maintenance of the heating system at the Gladys L. Hurrell Senior Center in Rehoboth | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Howitt, Steven S. | Improvements to the Pearse Road culvert along the Cole River | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Cutler, Josh | Pembroke Cultural Programming | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Cullinane, Daniel | Shields Park in the Town of Milton | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Cutler, Josh | Wampatuck Pond Water Testing | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Essex North Registry of Deeds | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Essex South Registry of Deeds | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Franklin Registry of Deeds | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Whipps Lee, Susannah M. | North Quabbin Regional Tourism | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Hunt, Daniel J. | Alternative Education | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Puppolo, Angelo J. | Sheet Metal | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Puppolo, Angelo J. | Electronic Health Records | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Puppolo, Angelo J. | Rick’s Place | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Puppolo, Angelo J. | Talk Read Succeed | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Puppolo, Angelo J. | New England Public Radio | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Heroux, Paul | MassHealth Reimbursement Rates for Home Health Services | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Puppolo, Angelo J. | Tourism Marketing and Advertising for Wilbraham Nature and Cultural Council | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Hunt, Daniel J. | Clarifying Chapter 207 of 2007 | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted | |
Ryan, Daniel J. | On-Site Academy-Critical Incident Stress Management | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Fernandes, John V. | Historic Fino Field in Milford | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
McMurtry, Paul | 375th Year Celebration of Mother Brook | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
McMurtry, Paul | Veterans Road Community Forestry Program | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
McMurtry, Paul | Council on Aging Renovation Project | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Ryan, Daniel J. | North Bellingham Street Veteran Housing | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
McMurtry, Paul | Dedham Old Village Cemetery | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Vieira, David T. | Water Quality Monitoring | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Howitt, Steven S. | Ensuring the appropriate and timely payment and residential service placement for children deemed to be a safety risk | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Howitt, Steven S. | Expanding access to craft beer | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted | |
Howitt, Steven S. | Relative to Title 5 income tax credit reform | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Howitt, Steven S. | Relative to establishing an animal abuse registry | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Fernandes, John V. | Milford Youth Center | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Fernandes, John V. | Hopedale Public Safety Improvements | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Ryan, Daniel J. | Visitor Information Centers | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Fernandes, John V. | 350th Anniversary Town of Mendon | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Fernandes, John V. | Metrowest Regional Transit Authority Catchment Area | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Wong, Donald H. | Narcan purchasing order | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Ryan, Daniel J. | Chelsea CONNECT Program | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Sánchez, Jeffrey | Union of Minority Neighborhoods | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Hampden Registry of Deeds | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Hampshire Registry of Deeds | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Middlesex North Registry of Deeds | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Middlesex South Registry of Deeds | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Mark, Paul W. | Heath Safety Complex | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Fiola, Carole A. | Transient Dockage at Heritage State Park | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Hunt, Daniel J. | Louis D. Brown Peace Institute | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Fiola, Carole A. | Gold Star Families Memorial Monument | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Fiola, Carole A. | Freetown Old Schoolhouse Restoration Project | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Mark, Paul W. | Relative to Patrol of the Deerfield River in the Town of Charlemont | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Fiola, Carole A. | AHA! Fall River | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Sánchez, Jeffrey | Dimock Community Health Center Behavioral Health and Outpatient Substance Abuse Services | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Fernandes, John V. | Metrowest Regional Transit Authority Fixed Bus Route to Milford | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Nangle, David M. | Coupon Summary | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Fernandes, John V. | English Language Learners Circuit Breaker Account | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
McMurtry, Paul | Dedham Westwood Water District Creditable Service | Legislation, Non-Budget | Rejected | |
Fernandes, John V. | Greater Milford Area Regional Substance Abuse and Intervention Program | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Ashe, Brian M. | The Urban League | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Honan, Kevin G. | Social Law Library | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Wong, Donald H. | Saugus Public Safety Improvement Grant | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Puppolo, Angelo J. | City Stage of Springfield | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Puppolo, Angelo J. | Spirit of Springfield | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Hunt, Daniel J. | Competitive Intergrated Employment Services | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Puppolo, Angelo J. | Dispute Resolution Services | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Haddad, Patricia A. | Municipality Reimbursement | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted, as Changed | |
Haddad, Patricia A. | Physician Assistants | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Hill, Bradford R. | Green Marsh Green Crab Trapping Program | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Haddad, Patricia A. | Transportation for Families in Shelter | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Haddad, Patricia A. | Swansea Beach | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Wong, Donald H. | Public Safety Building Enhancement | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Ehrlich, Lori A. | An Amendment Clarifying Eligibility for the Earned Income Tax Credit | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Kelcourse, James M. | Advocacy for Violence Against Women | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Kelcourse, James M. | Transitional Services for Homeless Veterans | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Suffolk Registry of Deeds | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Worcester North Registry of Deeds | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Worcester Registry of Deeds | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Madaro, Adrian | National Youth Development Council | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Madaro, Adrian | Constitution Beach | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Kelcourse, James M. | Wayfinding and Signage Improvements in the City of Newburyport | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
McMurtry, Paul | Age-Friendly Community Initiative | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Kelcourse, James M. | A National Event Promoting the Recovery of Missing Children | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Vieira, David T. | Registration of Motor Vehicles | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Madaro, Adrian | EBNHC Behavioral Health Initiative | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Madaro, Adrian | EBNHC Substance Abuse Treatment | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Nangle, David M. | Veterans Park | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Zlotnik, Jonathan | An Amendment to Allow Municipalities to Invest in Credit Unions | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Zlotnik, Jonathan | An Amendment to create Competitive Grants to fund the Management of Aquatic Nuisance Species | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Garlick, Denise C. | DCR Park | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Zlotnik, Jonathan | An Amendment to fund the operation of the Montachusett Veterans Outreach Center Women’s Housing Program | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Zlotnik, Jonathan | An Amendment to Support the Operation of a Certain Business Incubator in the City of Gardner | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Murphy, James M. | Back River Walking Trail | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Murphy, James M. | Whitman's Pond Long Term Care and Maintenance | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Murphy, James M. | Whipple Senior Center | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Murphy, James M. | Weymouth Youth Jobs Program | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Murphy, James M. | Weymouth Traffic Safety | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Murphy, James M. | Herring Brook Bridge | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Murphy, James M. | Weymouth Herring Run | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Velis, John C. | Baystate Noble Hospital | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Swan, Benjamin | Martin Luther King Jr. Family Services, Inc | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Cassidy, Gerard | Plymouth County Children’s Advocacy Center | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Ehrlich, Lori A. | Algae Cleanup in Lynn | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Puppolo, Angelo J. | Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Arciero, James | Westford School Technology Upgrade | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Arciero, James | Chiropractic Services | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Honan, Kevin G. | Operation A.B.L.E | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Arciero, James | Child Pornography and Child Enticement Asset Forfeiture | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Ehrlich, Lori A. | Red Rock Park Maintenance in Lynn | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Puppolo, Angelo J. | Collective Bargain Reserve | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Cariddi, Gailanne M. | Bay State Games | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Swan, Benjamin | W.E.B. DuBois Saturday School Year and Summer Academy | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Story, Ellen | Treehouse Foundation | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Cariddi, Gailanne M. | Berkshire Cultural Resource Center | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Story, Ellen | Improve needle exchange | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Puppolo, Angelo J. | HRD Training | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Story, Ellen | Municipal dispute resolution grant program | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Cariddi, Gailanne M. | Berkshire County Education Task Force | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Cariddi, Gailanne M. | Massachusetts Model of Community Coalitions | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Honan, Kevin G. | Community Technology Center | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Honan, Kevin G. | Fishing Academy | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Chan, Tackey | Amendment to Save Future Health Care Costs by Preventing and Managing Diseases Today | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Chan, Tackey | Uniform Law Commission Funding | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Chan, Tackey | Judge pension plans | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Honan, Kevin G. | ICB Grants for Hospitals and Community Health Centers | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Collins, Nick | Collins Center at UMB | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Berthiaume Jr., Donald R. | Regional Dispatch System | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Collins, Nick | Gavin and SB Collaborative | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Chan, Tackey | ABE/ESOL Workforce Development | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Collins, Nick | Harry McDonough Sailing Center | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Collins, Nick | Julie's Family Learning Center | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Chan, Tackey | Asian American Commission | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Berthiaume Jr., Donald R. | Restoration of the Hardwick | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Chan, Tackey | ELL Workforce Development Zones | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Collins, Nick | Laboure | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Devers, Marcos A. | Food for the World | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Chan, Tackey | Funding a study by Institute for Asian American Studies | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Collins, Nick | Lottery Declaration and Withholdings | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Chan, Tackey | Germantown Neighborhood Center | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Chan, Tackey | Increase in the Gold Star Annuity | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Collins, Nick | Medical Adherence | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Chan, Tackey | Item Pricing Technical Amendment | Withdrawn | ||
Ryan, Daniel J. | Substance Abuse Services | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Chan, Tackey | Quincy Asian Resources Inc | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Collins, Nick | Open Space Commission | Withdrawn | ||
Chan, Tackey | Restoring the Harbors and Island Waters Maintenance Fund | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Collins, Nick | SB En Accion | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Riverside Theatre Works | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Chan, Tackey | Technical Amendment on the Classification of Manufcatured Housing | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Participation in ERIC | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Collins, Nick | SB Transportation Commission | Withdrawn | ||
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Temporarily Extending the Grace Period for Voter Residency | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Cantwell, James M. | Recovery Coaching Services | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Chan, Tackey | Regulating sex offender registration in the 21st century | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Collins, Nick | South Boston Neighborhood House | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Collins, Nick | MA Fallen Heroes Memorial | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Devers, Marcos A. | Lawrence/Methuen Community Coalition (Family Services) | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Cantwell, James M. | Brant Rock Revitalization | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Cantwell, James M. | Cushing State Park Road | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Swan, Benjamin | Springfield Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Devers, Marcos A. | New England Verterans Liberty House | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Mariano, Ronald | Quincy Hazmat | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Mariano, Ronald | Weymouth Traffic Improvements | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Speliotis, Theodore C. | Leasehold Mortgagees | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted | |
Mariano, Ronald | Appropriate Care Settings for MassHealth ACS Patients | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Devers, Marcos A. | Lawrence Fire Department | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Mariano, Ronald | Behavioral Health Pilot | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Devers, Marcos A. | Lawrence Auxiliary Police | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Devers, Marcos A. | (E for All) Entrepreneurship for All's Spanish Program: E Para Todos | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Hill, Bradford R. | Essex Regional Retirement System | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted, as Changed | |
Golden, Thomas A. | Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) Access | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Central Voter Registration | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Central Voter Registration - PAC Language | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Golden, Thomas A. | Juvenile Court Mental Health Advocacy Project (JMHAP) | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Elections Division | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Elections Division - PAC Language | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Early Voting Notification | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Golden, Thomas A. | Nursing Facility Rates | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Golden, Thomas A. | Feasibility Study For A Pretrial Diversion Program In Middlesex County | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Pignatelli, William Smitty | Tanglewood | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Golden, Thomas A. | Lowell Business Development Grant Program | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Golden, Thomas A. | Urban Revitalization Tax Credit | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Golden, Thomas A. | United Teen Equality Center, Inc. (UTEC) | Withdrawn | ||
Golden, Thomas A. | Broadband Competitive Marketplace Study | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Durant, Peter J. | Restricting the packaging of Marijuana | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Durant, Peter J. | Post-traumatic stress commission | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Cullinane, Daniel | The Steven P. Odom Training for Life (SPOT for Life) | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Cullinane, Daniel | Medicaid Reimbursement Criteria Change to Enable Patient Access to Medically Accurate Definitive Drug Testing Procedures to Avoid Unintended Prescription Overdoses | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Brodeur, Paul | Substance Abuse Coordinator | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Fiola, Carole A. | Funds for certain Level 4 districts | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Brodeur, Paul | Wakefield Arts Center | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Silvia, Alan | Veteran Educational Services Center | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Farley-Bouvier, Tricia | Berkshire Innovation Center Broadband Connectivity | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Atkins, Cory | Highway Visitor Information Centers | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Cariddi, Gailanne M. | Turner House Living Center for Veterans | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Cariddi, Gailanne M. | Bay State Reading Institute | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Livingstone, Jay D. | Magazine Beach Amendment | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Atkins, Cory | Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Arciero, James | Public Safety Equipment | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Garlick, Denise C. | Family Supports for Older Adults | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Garlick, Denise C. | Suicide Prevention | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Sánchez, Jeffrey | Clarifying Payments to Hospitals | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Livingstone, Jay D. | Landmarks Orchestra Amendment | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Walsh, Thomas P. | Veterans Supportive Services Pilot Program | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Ryan, Daniel J. | Direct Funding for Transitional Charter Costs | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Farley-Bouvier, Tricia | Berkshire Carousel ADA Compliance | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Atkins, Cory | Regional Tourism Councils | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Toomey, Timothy J. | Public Process for Surplus Property Disposition | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Garlick, Denise C. | Long-Term Care Facility Quality Improvement Fund | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Silvia, Alan | Veteran Educational Services Center | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Madaro, Adrian | MACDC Foreclosure Counseling | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Madaro, Adrian | Crossroads | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Cullinane, Daniel | Suffolk County Sheriff's Office Operational Budget | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Vega, Aaron | Funding for STEM programs for Girls Inc | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Garlick, Denise C. | Safe Urgent Care | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Kaufman, Jay R. | Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (FSHD) Day | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted | |
Farley-Bouvier, Tricia | Berkshire Emergency Shelter Initiative | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Finn, Michael J. | Handicap Accessible Improvement | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Dooley, Shawn | Wrentham Fire Department Purchase | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Dooley, Shawn | Plainville Fire Department Purchase | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Dooley, Shawn | Medfield Fire Department Purchase | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Dooley, Shawn | Millis Fire Department Purchase | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Dooley, Shawn | Engineering for plainville Public Safety and Municipal Complex | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Cullinane, Daniel | Parking Meter Revenue | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Dooley, Shawn | Maintenance of the West Street Bridge in the towns of Medfield and Millis | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Swan, Benjamin | Springfield Technology Park | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Dooley, Shawn | Establishing a "Street Tree" Tree Farm in the town of Norfolk | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Dooley, Shawn | Open Container Marijuana Policy | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Farley-Bouvier, Tricia | Pittsfield for peer support programming | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Donato, Paul J. | Chapter 32 | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Swan, Benjamin | Square One Daycare Inc | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Gonzalez, Carlos | Reading Recovery | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Smola, Todd M. | An Act Providing Appropriations for Old Sturbridge Village | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Swan, Benjamin | Caring Health Center/Congressman Neal Community Health Center | Withdrawn | ||
Campanale, Kate D. | Summer Jobs for At-Risk Youth | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Smola, Todd M. | An Act Providing Appropriations for the Town of Palmer’s 300th Anniversary | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Smola, Todd M. | An Act Providing Appropriations for the Quaboag Valley Community Development Corporation | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Smola, Todd M. | An Act to enhance the license plate system of the Commonwealth | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Mark, Paul W. | Franklin County Register of Deeds Amendment | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Swan, Benjamin | Stone Soul Inc | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Swan, Benjamin | Springfield Veterans First (NABVET) Outreach Center | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Heroux, Paul | UI Apprentice | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Tucker, Paul | Downtown Salem Artists' Row Upgrade | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Mannal, Brian | For certain expenses of the emergency housing assistance program | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Tucker, Paul | Essex National Heritage Area Signage | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Boldyga, Nicholas A. | An Act Providing a Right to Try | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Boldyga, Nicholas A. | Well Being of Public Assistance Recipients | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Boldyga, Nicholas A. | Agawam Public Schools Improvements | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Boldyga, Nicholas A. | Agawam War Memorial Upgrades and Maintainence | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Boldyga, Nicholas A. | Southwick War Memorial Upgrades and Maintainence | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Mannal, Brian | For certain expenses related to the sexual abuse intervention network | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Mark, Paul W. | Hilltown Community Development Corporation Amendment | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Collins, Nick | DCF Attorneys | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Collins, Nick | MWRA Employees | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Cassidy, Gerard | Prostate Cancer Research | Withdrawn | ||
Cronin, Claire | Hancock Playground | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Swan, Benjamin | Baystate Health | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Stanley, Thomas M. | Retired Military Student Impact Aid | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Atkins, Cory | Massachusetts Cultural Council | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Hogan, Kate | Hudson Pilot Shuttle Program | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Durant, Peter J. | Southbridge Fire Station | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Cronin, Claire | Ali Hamilton Memorial Park | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Fernandes, John V. | CPCS – Administration and Operations | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Campanale, Kate D. | Representative John J. Binienda Memorial Beach/Coes Pond Maintenance | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Swan, Benjamin | Association of Black Businesses and Professionals | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Campanale, Kate D. | Yes We Care Teen Training Programs | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Durant, Peter J. | Quinebaug Rail Trail | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Stanley, Thomas M. | McKinney-Vento Homeless Student Transportation | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Whipps Lee, Susannah M. | Athol-Royalston Regional School District | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Durant, Peter J. | Southbridge Urban Park | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Ferguson, Kimberly N. | Worcester County Sheriff's Office | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Vincent, RoseLee | Revere Farmers Market | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Fernandes, John V. | Retention Account for CPCS | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Vincent, RoseLee | CAPIC Emergency Services | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Muradian Jr., David K. | Grafton School Safety Upgrades | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Muradian Jr., David K. | Northbridge Public Safety Improvements | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Roy, Jeffrey | Franklin Affordable Housing Little Free Library | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Vincent, RoseLee | Chelsea Fire Investigation Unit | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Muradian Jr., David K. | Upton Public Safety Improvements | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Cullinane, Daniel | Home Care Worker Registry | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Roy, Jeffrey | Franklin Fire Communications | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Vincent, RoseLee | Metropolitan Beaches | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Roy, Jeffrey | Franklin, Medway, Bellingham flood plain recreation development plan | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Straus, William M. | Cranberry Station | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Roy, Jeffrey | Medway Community Garden | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Cutler, Josh | Lyme Disease Prevention Awareness Campaign | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Straus, William M. | Cranberry Health Research Center | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Banning Level 2 and 3 Sex Offenders from Public Housing in Hotels and Motels | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Access to Official Absentee and Early Voting Data | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Child Care Provider Reimbursement Task Force | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Child Support Trust Fund Study | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Miceli, James R. | An amendment relative to the funding of Camp Pohelo in Tewksbury | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Designating April as Financial Literacy Month | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Straus, William M. | City Fruit | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | DCF Out Of State | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Elder Affairs Technology Training | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Educational Unfunded Mandate Task Force | Education and Local Aid | Adopted | |
Vincent, RoseLee | Directed State Police Patrols | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Foster Parent Continued Background Checks | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Inspection Sticker Classification | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Foundation Budget Review Commission Permanence | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Biometric Fraud Report | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Cold Storage Warehouse | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Alcoholic Beverage Sales | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Jones, Bradley H. | 2016 Sales Tax Holiday | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Holmes, Russell E. | Matching Program at Enrichment Center in Dorchester | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Permanently Fixing the Number of Members of Ward and Town Committees | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Higher Education Financial Literacy Counseling | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Hoisting Machinery Exam | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Extension of Community Hospitals Report | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Methyl Alcohol | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Providing Tax Credits for Employers Who Provide Child Care and Day Care Subsidies to their Employees | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Collection of Counsel Fees | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Optometrist Expansion | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Pay by Stop T Commission | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Straus, William M. | Complete Streets | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Senior Financial Literacy | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Pathway to Self Sufficiency | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Miceli, James R. | An amendment relative to Into Action Recovery, Inc in Tewksbury | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Practitioner Training Requirement | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Raising the Foster Parent Age Requirement | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Cronin, Claire | Special Commission Repair of Digital Electronic Products | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Jones, Bradley H. | REAL ID Compliant Licenses and Identification Cards | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted | |
(Further) | Farley-Bouvier, Tricia | further to 409 | Legislation, Non-Budget | Rejected |
Jones, Bradley H. | Special Education Services Delivery | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Under 21 Driver’s License | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Disclosure For State Advertising | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Recovery High School Transportation | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Stakeholder Data Advisory Group | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Annual Sales Tax Holiday | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Unenrolled Election Officers | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Substance Abuse Services Trust Fund | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Distance Education Reciprocity Agreement | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Miceli, James R. | An Amendment Relative to Commonwealth Veterans Who Served in the CCNOAA and USPHS | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Community Preservation Trust Fund | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Straus, William M. | Transportation System Assessment | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Cutler, Josh | Emergency Radio Communications for Plymouth County Fire Services | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Study of ER Co-payments | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | TAFDC Grant | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Community Preservation Trust Fund II | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Timing Discrepancies | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Excess Revenue for Local Aid | Education and Local Aid |
Rejected (Roll Call #225) |
Miceli, James R. | An Amendment Relative to the Retirement of Veterans | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | DNA Felony Collection | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Study of Expanding Medicaid Express Lane | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Harrington, Sheila C. | Increase Unrestricted Local Aid | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | HomeBASE - Annual Eligibilty Determination | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Cutler, Josh | An Act relative to proactively protecting automotive drivers | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Atkins, Cory | Concord Air Quality Study | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Harrington, Sheila C. | McKinney-Vento Funding Increase | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Harrington, Sheila C. | Minimum Aid Per Pupil Increase | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Atkins, Cory | Sales tax exemption on aircrafts and aircraft parts | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Jones, Bradley H. | MassDOT Outdoor Advertising | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Elevator Inspection Schedule | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Sannicandro, Tom | Recovery High Schools | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Harrington, Sheila C. | Regional School Transportation Increase | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | MRVP AA Object Class | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Treble Damages | Legislation, Non-Budget |
Rejected (Roll Call #224) |
Harrington, Sheila C. | Regional Sewer Project in Ayer and Groton | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Sex Offender Classification Hearings | Judiciary | Adopted, as Changed | |
Jones, Bradley H. | MRVP Voucher Management System | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Atkins, Cory | White Pond Erosion Mitigation | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Harrington, Sheila C. | Substance Abuse Services for Rural Communities | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Municipal Gas Tax Exemption | Revenue | Adopted, as Amended | |
(Further) | Kulik, Stephen | 449 further | Revenue |
Adopted (Roll Call #221) |
Jones, Bradley H. | Sick Leave Bank Buyback | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Bradley, Garrett J. | Improve school building safety and security for the Hingham, Hull and Cohasset Public School systems | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | North Reading Child Enhancement | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Quarterly Corporate Tax Payments | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Bradley, Garrett J. | Fire Prevention, Training and Safety | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | RAFT - Presumption of Eligiblity | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Sannicandro, Tom | Ensuring inclusive language for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Bradley, Garrett J. | First Dose Monitoring | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Universal Sick Leave Bank | Legislation, Non-Budget |
Adopted (Roll Call #235) |
Jones, Bradley H. | Secure Jobs - MVRP Mandate | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Bradley, Garrett J. | Opioid Prevention (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Counselors) | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Secure Jobs Funding | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Veteran Funeral Protest Fines | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Mom, Rady | Coalition for a Better Acre | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Cutler, Josh | Plymouth County water management | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Ferrante, Ann-Margaret | Licensing Authorities | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Veteran Residency for Medicaid | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Sannicandro, Tom | Human Service Workers Commission | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Mom, Rady | Public Space Improvements | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Mannal, Brian | for mental health services for homeless individuals on Cape Cod | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Fernandes, John V. | Court Security Systems Hardware | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Ferrante, Ann-Margaret | Day Resource Center for local homeless | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Vega, Aaron | Reimbursement Rates for DSH Hospitals | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Ferrante, Ann-Margaret | LuminArtz | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Fernandes, John V. | Maintain Court Operations | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Ferrante, Ann-Margaret | Ocean Alliance | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Sannicandro, Tom | Ashland school overcrowding mitigation | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Michlewitz, Aaron | Suicide Prevention | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Velis, John C. | National Guard Tuition and Fees | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Michlewitz, Aaron | Health Center Substance abuse Treatment | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Hecht, Jonathan | Greenough Boulevard | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Bradley, Garrett J. | MA Military Family Relief Fund | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Brodeur, Paul | Elder Programs | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Durant, Peter J. | Spencer Dam Repair | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Michlewitz, Aaron | Sail Boston | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Bradley, Garrett J. | Market Place Fairness | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Hecht, Jonathan | Watertown Economic Development | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Ferguson, Kimberly N. | Head Injury Treatment Services | Withdrawn | ||
Michlewitz, Aaron | Fines for License Violations | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Ferguson, Kimberly N. | Home Maker Services | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Lawn, John J. | Extraordinary SpEd costs | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Gonzalez, Carlos | South End Community Center’s Community Youth Corp Program | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
McKenna, Joseph D. | WCAC Head Start in Webster | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Dooley, Shawn | Creating the Commonwealth Technical Rescue Regions and Coordinating Council | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Michlewitz, Aaron | ABCD North End/West End Elderly Program | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Dooley, Shawn | Intellectual Disabilities Mitigation Fund | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Mannal, Brian | for support of LBGTQ Youth | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
McKenna, Joseph D. | WCAC Head Start in Webster | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Collins, Nick | Camp Harbor View | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Ferrante, Ann-Margaret | Gloucester Marine Genomics Academy | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Collins, Nick | Government Management Program | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Vega, Aaron | Teenage Pregnancy Prevention | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Collins, Nick | Hot Works Commission | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Collins, Nick | Substance Abuse Prevention and Narcotic Use Reduction Program | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Dykema, Carolyn C. | Holliston Downtown Project | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Collins, Nick | UMass Boston Scholarship Program | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Collins, Nick | Community Health Center and Youth Leadership Initiative | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Linsky, David Paul | Veterans Oral History Project | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Benson, Jennifer E. | Cost Trends Accuracy | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted | |
Ferguson, Kimberly N. | Assistive Technology | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Gentile, Carmine L. | Sudbury Fire Department Purchase | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Gentile, Carmine L. | Conservation Restriction for Mainstone Farm in Wayland | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Koczera, Robert M. | Municipal Recycling Grants - Clean Environment Fund | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Mark, Paul W. | Soldier On Funding | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Fernandes, John V. | Cap Waiver in Certain Circumstances | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Ferguson, Kimberly N. | Head Injury Treatment Services | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Haddad, Patricia A. | Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Haddad, Patricia A. | Bristol County Fire Chiefs | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Haddad, Patricia A. | State Police Overtime Bristol DA | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Haddad, Patricia A. | SouthCoast Development Partnership | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Ferguson, Kimberly N. | Pediatric & Adult Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Pilot Program | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Michlewitz, Aaron | Pine Street Inn Workforce Training | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Farley-Bouvier, Tricia | Foster Care Reimbursement | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Cutler, Josh | Homeless student transportation | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Farley-Bouvier, Tricia | Concussions | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Fernandes, John V. | Innovation Institute Fund | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Murphy, James M. | Hingham District Court | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Murphy, James M. | Retiree Life Insurance | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Farley-Bouvier, Tricia | DCF-Contracted Provider Training | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Benson, Jennifer E. | Transparency of Health Plan Formularies | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Zlotnik, Jonathan | An Amendment to Enhance Downtown Revitalization in the Town of Winchendon | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Farley-Bouvier, Tricia | Regional emergency medical services | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Michlewitz, Aaron | Bridges to College | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Moran, Frank | Municipal Police Staffing Grant | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Moran, Frank | Arlington Community Trabajando | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Madden, Timothy R. | EOHHS island voucher program | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Moran, Frank | Asociacion Carnvalesca de Massachusetts in Lawrence | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Fernandes, John V. | Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Moran, Frank | Beyond Soccer, Inc | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Moran, Frank | Greater Lawrence Community Action Council, Inc. Child Care Center in Lawrence | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
McKenna, Joseph D. | AEDs in schools | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Durant, Peter J. | DTA Security | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Ferguson, Kimberly N. | Transportation of Pupils- Regional School Districts | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Madden, Timothy R. | Martha's Vineyard Homelessness Services | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Ferguson, Kimberly N. | Sterling Little League Fields | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Moran, Frank | Greater Lawrence Technical School athletic field | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Moran, Frank | Lawrence Family Development and Education Fund | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Garballey, Sean | West Medford Community Center | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Moran, Frank | Lawrence Suenos Basketball Summer League | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Moran, Frank | Merrimack Valley Public Safety Youth Center in Lawrence | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Chan, Tackey | Specialty Provider Licensure | Public Health | Withdrawn | |
Moran, Frank | Methuen Arlington Neighborhood, Inc. | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Livingstone, Jay D. | Acute Care Specialty Hospital | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Fernandes, John V. | Precision Manufacturing Workforce Development Fund | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Linsky, David Paul | Natick Parks | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Ashe, Brian M. | City Stage/Symphony Hall | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Benson, Jennifer E. | Personal Needs Allowance | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
D'Emilia, Angelo L. | Plymouth County Dredging Program | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Sannicandro, Tom | Community employment for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities | Mental Health and Disability Services | Withdrawn | |
Michlewitz, Aaron | St. Francis House Moving Ahead | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Vieira, David T. | Grace Veteran's Program | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Ryan, Daniel J. | Apprentice Training Program | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Linsky, David Paul | Clyde Brown School Mitigation | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Koczera, Robert M. | New Bedford STEAM Design Academy for Girls | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Parisella, Jerald A. | Beverly Lynch Park Carriage House | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Benson, Jennifer E. | Quality Enhancements in Afterschool and Out-of-School Time (ASOST-Q) Grant | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
D'Emilia, Angelo L. | PILOT Funding | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Velis, John C. | Westfield State University Military Center for Excellence | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
McGonagle, Jr., Joseph W. | City of Everett storefront restoration | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Ryan, Daniel J. | Reserve Fund | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
McGonagle, Jr., Joseph W. | Northern Strand Bike Trail improvements, Everett portion | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Garlick, Denise C. | Oral Health for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
McGonagle, Jr., Joseph W. | Substance abuse prevention in the City of Everett | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Madden, Timothy R. | Emergency repairs and improvements to Aquinnah Circle | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Peake, Sarah K. | Beach Access Conservation Plan | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Withdrawn | |
Peake, Sarah K. | Community Mediation Grants | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Benson, Jennifer E. | Afterschool and Out-of-School Time Coordinating Council Extension | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Peake, Sarah K. | Decommissioing Pilgrim Commission | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Peake, Sarah K. | Homeless Prevention Council of Lower Cape | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Peake, Sarah K. | Lipodystrophy | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Peake, Sarah K. | Regional Transit Authorities | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Peake, Sarah K. | Route 6 Traffic Enforcement | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Peake, Sarah K. | Small Business Technical Assistance | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Peake, Sarah K. | Wellfleet Harbor Dredging | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Donahue, Daniel M. | Friendly House, Worcester | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Fernandes, John V. | Bail Fees | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted | |
Donahue, Daniel M. | Worcester County House of Correction/Dismas House | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
D'Emilia, Angelo L. | Plymouth County Mosquito Control Board | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
McKenna, Joseph D. | Oxford Public Safety | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Benson, Jennifer E. | Regional Bonus Aid | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
DuBois, Michelle M. | McKinley Playground Renovation | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Walsh, Chris | To fund the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Ferguson, Kimberly N. | Child Care Resource and Referral | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
DuBois, Michelle M. | West Bridgewater Rail Trail Expansion | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Benson, Jennifer E. | Smarth Growth Funding | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Donahue, Daniel M. | South Worcester Neighborhood Corporation | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Walsh, Chris | Funding of the Resiliency for Life Program at Framingham High School | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Garlick, Denise C. | Community-Based Residential Services Report | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Donahue, Daniel M. | UI Apprentice Programs | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
DuBois, Michelle M. | Cape Verdean Association Summer Program | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Donahue, Daniel M. | UMASS Memorial Emergency Medical Services and Tactical Support to the Massachusetts State Police STOP Team | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Walsh, Chris | Funding for the planning, preliminary design and engineering costs for the Framingham Skate Park | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Donahue, Daniel M. | Autism Insurance Resource Center at UMASS Medical School | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
DuBois, Michelle M. | Self Help Inc., Healthy Homes Initiative program | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Walsh, Chris | Funding for the Move of the Danforth Art Museum/School | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Walsh, Chris | Funding for the Expansion of Callahan State Park | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
DuBois, Michelle M. | Brockton Water Department Solar-Bees | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Walsh, Chris | Funding for Framingham State University to implement a "World of Work" Program | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Lyons, James J. | Secure Funding for Secure Communities | Education and Local Aid |
Rejected (Roll Call #227) |
Lyons, James J. | Route 38 Resurfacing | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Lyons, James J. | 5% Income Tax Rollback | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Kocot, Peter V. | Hampshire Sheriff | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Lyons, James J. | 5% Sales Tax Rollback | Revenue | Adopted, as Amended | |
(Further) | Kulik, Stephen | 612 further | Revenue |
Adopted (Roll Call #222) |
Lyons, James J. | New State Police Academy Restoration | Public Safety | Rejected | |
Walsh, Chris | For the Funding of The Boston Cup | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Lyons, James J. | Exempting Small Projects From the Prevailing Wage Law | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Lyons, James J. | Collection of Outstanding Delinquent Legal Fees | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Walsh, Chris | For Maintenance and Upkeep of The National Lancers | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Cutler, Josh | Pembroke Public Safety Improvements | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Wagner, Joseph F. | Western Mass Sports Commission | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Wagner, Joseph F. | World Is Our Classroom | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Wagner, Joseph F. | New England Farm Workers Council | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Collins, Nick | Naloxone co-prescription | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Rushing, Byron | Home and Healthy for Good Program | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
D'Emilia, Angelo L. | Bristol County Mosquito Control Board | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Wagner, Joseph F. | John Adams Innovation Institute Fund | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Madden, Timothy R. | Dukes County outside section 1 | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted, as Changed | |
Barrows, F. Jay | Mansfield Bike Trail Park | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Kafka, Louis L. | Early Intervention | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Madden, Timothy R. | Dukes County outside section 2 | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Kafka, Louis L. | Security Systems Commission | Legislation, Non-Budget | Rejected | |
Kafka, Louis L. | MOVA Reclassification | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Fernandes, John V. | Blackstone Valley Education Foundation Manufacturing Pilot Program | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Barrows, F. Jay | Norton Fence Restoration | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Kafka, Louis L. | Sharon Feasibility Study | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Kocot, Peter V. | MEFAP | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Linsky, David Paul | Good Funds Statute | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Fernandes, John V. | Regional Economic Development Grants | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Barrows, F. Jay | Foxboro Economic Development Study | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Lyons, James J. | State Police Increase to Combat Drug Trafficking | Public Safety | Rejected | |
Gonzalez, Carlos | DDS Service Coordination and Administration | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
D'Emilia, Angelo L. | Bristol & Plymouth County Mosquito Control Boards | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Heroux, Paul | Horizons for Homeless Children’s Playspace Program in DHCD Facilities | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Stanley, Thomas M. | JF&CS Early Relationship Support Programing | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Heroux, Paul | To Level Fund Forensic Services | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Lyons, James J. | Drug Trafficking Task Force | Public Safety | Rejected | |
Lyons, James J. | Report on State Expenditures | Legislation, Non-Budget | Rejected | |
Ferrante, Ann-Margaret | Bay State Reading Institute | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Lyons, James J. | Medical Abuse Claims Commission | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Kocot, Peter V. | Western Massachusetts Coalition to End Homelessness | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Galvin, William C. | Massachusetts Hospital School Bed Minimum | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Finn, Michael J. | HomeBASE Program | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Coppinger, Edward F. | Reading Recovery | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Galvin, William C. | Stoughton Train Station | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted, as Changed | |
Cusack, Mark J. | Braintree's Community Partnership on Substance Abuse | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Cusack, Mark J. | Municipal Improvements - Advanced Analytics | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Cusack, Mark J. | Public Safety Improvements in the town of Braintree | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Cusack, Mark J. | Retirement Systems and Pensions Percentage | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted | |
Cusack, Mark J. | Retirement Systems and Pensions term | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted | |
Provost, Denise | MassHealth Data Matching | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Finn, Michael J. | RAFT Program | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Mark, Paul W. | Rural Ambulance Services Competitive Grant | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Finn, Michael J. | Mobile Integrated Healthcare Technical Correction | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Cabral, Antonio F. D. | New Bedford Festival Theatre | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Finn, Michael J. | Limiting patients’ out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Sannicandro, Tom | Special Education Resource Center at Framingham State University | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Diehl, Geoff | An Amendment Requiring Licensing for Special Education Advisors | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Diehl, Geoff | An Amendment ensuring Benefits through Enhanced Selective Service Registration | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Diehl, Geoff | An Amendment establishing a Permanent Meals Tax Holiday | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Diehl, Geoff | An Amendment modernizing the State Sick Time Policy | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Orrall, Keiko M. | Smart Growth Funding | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Koczera, Robert M. | Adult Basic Education | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Holmes, Russell E. | Body Cameras | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Campbell, Linda | Cogswell School | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Menino Arts Center | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Diehl, Geoff | An Amendment on the Debarment of State Contractors for Poor Performance / Inadequate Services | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Diehl, Geoff | An Amendment requiring preferential Procurement for Massachusetts Businesses | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Garry, Colleen M. | Add $500,000 to the Shannon grant line item 8100-0111 and adding language that the $500,000 shall be granted to the Town of Dracut | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
D'Emilia, Angelo L. | Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Student Enrollment Reporting Deadline Extension | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Diehl, Geoff | An Amendment to eliminate the Nursing Home Bed Tax | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Provost, Denise | DHE Performance Incentive Fund | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Cabral, Antonio F. D. | Fisheries Amendment | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Diehl, Geoff | An amendment to Encourage Developing Businesses to Remain in the Commonwealth | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Diehl, Geoff | An Amendment to Enhance Massachusetts ERIPs | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Hecht, Jonathan | RMV Learner's Permit | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Lyons, James J. | Section 12J Violation Funding Prohibition | Public Health |
Rejected (Roll Call #237) |
Diehl, Geoff | An Amendment to require social Security Verification for Housing Assistance | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Diehl, Geoff | An amendment to Restore the 5% Sales Tax | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Diehl, Geoff | An amendment to save motorists money on car registrations: | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Livingstone, Jay D. | An Act for fairness regarding line of duty benefits | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Stanley, Thomas M. | Homemaking Services | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Diehl, Geoff | Creditable Service Modification for MTRS | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Cabral, Antonio F. D. | Dennison Memorial Community Center | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Diehl, Geoff | Mitigating noise pollution, light pollution and crime | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Decker, Marjorie | to increase food assistance | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Frost, Paul K. | "We the People" Program Expansion | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Decker, Marjorie | relative to district determined measures | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Sannicandro, Tom | Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Benson, Jennifer E. | Academic Detailing Initiative | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Brodeur, Paul | Merging Home Care Accounts | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Hunt, Daniel J. | Outdoor Advertising | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Frost, Paul K. | Drinking and Ground Water Research Trust Fund | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Lombardo, Marc T. | An act relative to instate tuition | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Galvin, William C. | Parking Pilot Program | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Cabral, Antonio F. D. | Zeiterion, Inc | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Decker, Marjorie | relative to municipal retiree fairness | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Frost, Paul K. | Silent Spring Institute | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Cantwell, James M. | Municipal Use of Insurance Proceeds | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Fernandes, John V. | Disability Access Improvements to the Town Park in Hopedale | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Decker, Marjorie | relative to utilities, smart meters, and ratepayers' rights | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Lombardo, Marc T. | An Act relative to reducing the income tax to 5% | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Holmes, Russell E. | Bottom Line | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Lombardo, Marc T. | An Act relative to reducing the sales tax to 5% | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Lombardo, Marc T. | An Act relative to sanctuary cities and towns | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Cabral, Antonio F. D. | AHA! Art, History, & Architecture of New Bedford | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Lombardo, Marc T. | An Act relative to tuition for U.S. Veterans | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Cronin, Claire | Improved Communication for Emergency Service Departments in the Town of Easton | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Lombardo, Marc T. | An act to exempt municipalities from gas tax | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Kelcourse, James M. | National Landmark and Museum in Amesbury | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Lombardo, Marc T. | An Amendment Relative to Proof of Residency | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Kelcourse, James M. | Plum Island Erosion Mitigation | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Lombardo, Marc T. | Justina Amendment | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Sannicandro, Tom | Higher Education Student Financial Aid | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Vieira, David T. | Barnstable County Sheriff's Amendment | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Lombardo, Marc T. | Shawsheen Technical High School | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Lombardo, Marc T. | Sidewalks on Rt 3A in Billerica | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Rogers, David | Energy Conservation Projects for School and Town Buildings in the Town of Belmont | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Gonzalez, Carlos | Springfield Regional Chamber | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Lombardo, Marc T. | Weed mitigation Winning Pond | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Linsky, David Paul | Lyme Disease Treatment Coverage | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted, as Changed | |
Cantwell, James M. | Robert F. Kennedy Children Action Corps Detention Diversion Program | Withdrawn | ||
Sannicandro, Tom | Dual Enrollment Program | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Lombardo, Marc T. | Yankee Doodle Bike Path | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Lombardo, Marc T. | Yankee Doodle Town | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Sannicandro, Tom | Pretrial Risk Assessment Tool Development & Implementation | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Sannicandro, Tom | Community Colleges Workforce Training Incentive Program | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Cabral, Antonio F. D. | Frederick Douglass House of New Bedford | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Rogers, David | Sampling and Testing of Stormwater Systems in the Town of Belmont that Flow into the Mystic River Watershed | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Cariddi, Gailanne M. | Division of Ecological Restoration (DER) | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Sannicandro, Tom | Higher Education Pilot Program For College Savings | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Garlick, Denise C. | Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Speliotis, Theodore C. | Relative to Municipal Legislative Impact Statements | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Rosa, Dennis A. | Leominster Veterans Center | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Wagner, Joseph F. | Western Massachusetts Regional Branding Initiative | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Benson, Jennifer E. | Counterfeit Airbag Prohibition | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Speliotis, Theodore C. | Relative to Municipal Impact Statements | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Rosa, Dennis A. | Leominster's East Side Feasibility Study | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Decker, Marjorie | increasing the Massachusetts Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) from 23% to 50% of the federal credit | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Sannicandro, Tom | Higher Education for Students with Intellectual Disabilities | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Orrall, Keiko M. | Duplicate Application Requirements for dwelling fire Insurance Policies | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Cutler, Josh | Camp Kiwanee improvements | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Decker, Marjorie | granting victims of domestic violence and abandoned spouses access to the EITC, and EITC outreach | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Cronin, Claire | Middleborough Agricultural Society | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Rosa, Dennis A. | Services Coordinator | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Decker, Marjorie | to protect children experiencing homelessness | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Orrall, Keiko M. | Right of Way Violations Accountability | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Decker, Marjorie | updating state disability standard | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Holmes, Russell E. | Survivors of Homocide Victims | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Cronin, Claire | Simulcast Wagering | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Gonzalez, Carlos | New North Citizens Council Police / Community C3/ E3 Management | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Cabral, Antonio F. D. | Greater New Bedford Community Health Center | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Orrall, Keiko M. | IT Upgrade MCAS 2.0 Reimbursement | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Ultrino, Steven | School-Based Health Center in the City of Malden | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Mirra, Leonard | Invasive Species Control in Lake Attitash in town of Merrimac and city of Amesbury | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Calter, Thomas J. | School Resource Officer for Kingston Public Schools | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Cassidy, Gerard | Simulcast Wagering II | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Ferrante, Ann-Margaret | Police Assisted Addiction Recovery Initiative Study | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Calter, Thomas J. | Heidrea for Heroes | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Calter, Thomas J. | Nathan Hale Veterans Outreach Centers | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Cutler, Josh | Tax abatements for disabled veterans | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Calter, Thomas J. | Creates a Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory Panel | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Calter, Thomas J. | Post nuclear power plant closure economics and land use study | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Sannicandro, Tom | TAFDC State Work Study Program | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Cronin, Claire | Community Health Center Rates | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Calter, Thomas J. | Central Plymouth County Water District Commission | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Mark, Paul W. | Greenfield Senior Center | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Calter, Thomas J. | Testing and Treatment of Cyanobateria in Monponsett Pond | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Gonzalez, Carlos | Caring Health Center’s Richard E. Neal Complex | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Calter, Thomas J. | Halifax Council on Aging Building Expansion | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Orrall, Keiko M. | One Stop Career Centers | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Calter, Thomas J. | Language clarification to "Right to Farm," to clarify marijuana exclusion in agriculture definition | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Coppinger, Edward F. | Children’s Advocacy Centers | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Calter, Thomas J. | Crossroads | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Level 1 Sex Offender Information | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Sannicandro, Tom | Transitions to Work | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Benson, Jennifer E. | Spouses as Caregivers | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
D'Emilia, Angelo L. | Prison Mitigation | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Gonzalez, Carlos | Dr. Seuss Museums | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Sannicandro, Tom | Massachusetts Consortium for Innovative Assessment | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Mark, Paul W. | Soldier On | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Sannicandro, Tom | Decisions at Every Turn Coalition | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
D'Emilia, Angelo L. | Regional School Transportation | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Gordon, Kenneth | Fair Labor Division Amendment | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Behavioral Health Inpatient Payments I | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Behavioral Health Inpatient Payments II | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Taxation of gasoline | Revenue | Rejected | |
Donahue, Daniel M. | Funding for OSHA Protections to Public Employees | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Sannicandro, Tom | Off-Road Vehicle for Fire and EMS Services | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Disabilities Commission Expansion | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Atkins, Cory | Financial Literacy Mentoring Program | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Donahue, Daniel M. | Massachusetts Food Trust | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Gonzalez, Carlos | Springfield Partners for Community Action’s Veteran’s First Program | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Benson, Jennifer E. | Special Education Services for Low Incidence Populations | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Rosa, Dennis A. | Yes We Care/Torch Training Program for teens between the ages of 13 - 17 | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Fernandes, John V. | Specialty Court Policy | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Ferguson, Kimberly N. | Tenant Brewers | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted, as Changed | |
Hunt, Daniel J. | Snow Removal Penalties | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Cantwell, James M. | Plymouth County Mental Health Referral Service | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Sannicandro, Tom | Regarding Conflict Free Assessments | Health and Human Services | Withdrawn | |
Fernandes, John V. | Appeals Court Maintenance Funding | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Gordon, Kenneth | Physician Acquisition Transparency Amendment | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Garballey, Sean | Turning 22 | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Gonzalez, Carlos | UMASS Springfield Campus | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Kocot, Peter V. | Community Preservation Trust Fund net surplus transfer | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Cutler, Josh | Offshore Tax Havens | Revenue | Rejected | |
Fernandes, John V. | SJC Mainentance Funding | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Cusack, Mark J. | Recreational Facilities and Zoning | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Decker, Marjorie | to expand access to homelessness prevention resources | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Sannicandro, Tom | College Savings Asset Test | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Decker, Marjorie | relative to Cambridge, Everett, and Boston HAZMAT teams | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Smizik, Frank I. | For naturally occurring retirement communities | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Scibak, John W. | CASA | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Linsky, David Paul | Firearms Trafficking Research | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Holmes, Russell E. | MetroLacrosse | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Sannicandro, Tom | Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Mark, Paul W. | Farmland Protection Advisory Commission | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Fox, Gloria L. | Aid to Incarcerated Mothers | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Cusack, Mark J. | Braintree Public Schools Tech Grant | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Cantwell, James M. | Drug Story Theater | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Cabral, Antonio F. D. | TAFDC Childcare for DCF Relative Caregivers | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Sannicandro, Tom | Call 2 Talk | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Vega, Aaron | EMPLOYMENT SERVICES PROGRAM | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Decker, Marjorie | relative to UI eligibility for enrolees in apprentice traning | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Benson, Jennifer E. | Preserving eligibility for the PACE program & certain waivered services | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Sannicandro, Tom | Wayside Youth & Family Support Network | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Whelan, Timothy R. | State Police Crime Laboratory Non-Monetary | Judiciary | Withdrawn | |
Stanley, Thomas M. | Arthur H. Nelson Memorial Bridge | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted | |
Scibak, John W. | South Hadley Culinary Arts Program | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Cabral, Antonio F. D. | Citizenship for New Americans Program (CNAP) | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Ferguson, Kimberly N. | Assistance Dogs for Veterans | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Coppinger, Edward F. | West Roxbury Main Streets Construction Project | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Durant, Peter J. | National Guard Pensions | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Kocot, Peter V. | Inspector General | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Kane, Hannah | Westborough 300th Anniversary Celebrations | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Ultrino, Steven | Charter School Reimbursement for Cities, Towns and Regional School Districts | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Holmes, Russell E. | Lena Park Community Center | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Balser, Ruth B. | Civil Legal Services- MLAC | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Cusack, Mark J. | Retirement Board Data and Material | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Wagner, Joseph F. | Clarification Relative to MassDOT Employees | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Garballey, Sean | Best Buddies | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Hunt, Randy | An Amendment Encouraging Cultural Council Funding | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Ehrlich, Lori A. | Funding for Implementation of the Natural Gas Leaks Act | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Cantwell, James M. | School Resource Officer Training Program | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Kocot, Peter V. | Local Special Education Stabilization Fund | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted | |
Hay, Stephan | Gateway Cities Public Safety Grant Program | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Fox, Gloria L. | Self Esteem Boston Direct Service Program | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Rushing, Byron | Qualify the Center for Teen Empowerment for Youth-at-Risk Matching Grant Funds | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Cariddi, Gailanne M. | Mass in Motion: Promotion of Wellness and Prevention | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Naughton, Harold P. | Town of Boylston Compensation Funding | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Jones, Bradley H. | Vacation Time and Sick Time Conversion | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Smizik, Frank I. | For the Independent Film Society of Boston | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Rosa, Dennis A. | Spanish American Center - Food Storage and Delivery Truck | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Smizik, Frank I. | For the executive office of energy and environmental affairs to coordinate and implement strategies for climate change adaptation and preparedness | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Benson, Jennifer E. | Patient Medication Adherence | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Smizik, Frank I. | For the Healthy Lives Program | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Naughton, Harold P. | Clinton Presentation Apartments’ Sprinkler System | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Smizik, Frank I. | For Steps to Success Brookline | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
McMurtry, Paul | Local Aid Lottery Expansion | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Dykema, Carolyn C. | Providing Municipal Relief for Water Infrastructure by Increasing Contract Assistance | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Stanley, Thomas M. | English Language Learners | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Cabral, Antonio F. D. | Employment Services Program (YPP HiSET) | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
McKenna, Joseph D. | Pearl Street Clean-up | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Scibak, John W. | Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Naughton, Harold P. | Lancaster Town Beach Handicap Accessibility | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Gonzalez, Carlos | Tech Foundry | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Cantwell, James M. | School Resource Officer Training Program | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Pignatelli, William Smitty | Public Higher Education FY17 Collective Bargaining Funding | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Hay, Stephan | Early Childhood Education Workforce Payrate | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Benson, Jennifer E. | Massachusetts State Retirement System | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Hunt, Daniel J. | Competitive Integrated Employment Services | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Garballey, Sean | Disabled Persons Protection Commission | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Naughton, Harold P. | Berlin Accessible Rail Trail System and Handicap Trails | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Cabral, Antonio F. D. | Parent-Child Home Program (PCHP) | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Kocot, Peter V. | State Ethics Commission | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Campbell, Linda | Domestic Violence Training and Funding to Combat Heroin Trafficking | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
McMurtry, Paul | An Act Prohibiting Contracting with Discriminatory Businesses | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Withdrawn | |
Brodeur, Paul | Elder FAST Teams | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Barrows, F. Jay | Expanding the Mandated Reporter Definition | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Rogers, John H. | An Amendment Relative to the fraudulent use of a medical marijuana registration card | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Hunt, Daniel J. | St. Mary's Center for Women and Children | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Scibak, John W. | PLAY | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Rogers, David | Protecting Vulnerable Road Users | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Rushing, Byron | New England Center for Arts and Technology Job Training Funds | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Rogers, David | Protecting Bicyclists in Bike Lanes | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
DiZoglio, Diana | Career Resources Corporation | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Cabral, Antonio F. D. | TAFDC Job Search | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
McMurtry, Paul | Norfolk County Mosquito Control Project | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
DiZoglio, Diana | Delamano, Inc | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
DiZoglio, Diana | Greater Lawrence/Haverhill YWCA | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Cusack, Mark J. | Community Hospital Value Campaign | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
DiZoglio, Diana | Haven of Hope | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Hay, Stephan | Shannon Grant | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
DiZoglio, Diana | Merrimack Valley Prevention and Substance Abuse Project | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Cusack, Mark J. | Transparent Health Care Data | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Cutler, Josh | South Shore Food Pantry Assistance | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Kocot, Peter V. | Office of Campaign and Political Finance | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
DiZoglio, Diana | Methuen YMCA | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Mark, Paul W. | Massachuesetts Forest Alliance | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Dykema, Carolyn C. | Operation House Call | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Roy, Jeffrey | Day & Employment | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
DiZoglio, Diana | Methuen Youth Center | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Brodeur, Paul | AP Math and Science Support | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
DiZoglio, Diana | Motor Vehicle Excise Tax Exemption for Veterans | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Roy, Jeffrey | Pilot loan repayment program for direct care human service workers | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
DiZoglio, Diana | Muscular Dystrophy Association/Fire Fighters | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted, as Changed | |
Galvin, William C. | Blue Hills Weather Observatory | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
DiZoglio, Diana | Salvation Army Bridging the Gap Between Youth and Community Services | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Petrolati, Thomas M. | Lupa Zoo | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
DiZoglio, Diana | Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Dykema, Carolyn C. | New Beginnings Youth Substance Abuse | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Gonzalez, Carlos | Hispanic American Library Inc | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
DiZoglio, Diana | The Psychological Center | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Dykema, Carolyn C. | Improving Juvenile Justice Data Collection | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Speliotis, Theodore C. | To establish the HomeWorks program | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Ultrino, Steven | Elder Homelessness Prevention and Support | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
DiZoglio, Diana | Volunteer Income Tax Assistance | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Galvin, William C. | Norfolk County Regional Fire and Rescue Dispatch | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Pignatelli, William Smitty | Turnpike Toll Use Clarification | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Kuros, Kevin J. | Naloxone Availability Special Commission | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Dykema, Carolyn C. | Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Hay, Stephan | On Site Academy Training Program Funding | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Khan, Kay | Aquatic Invasive Species Control | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Galvin, William C. | Stoughton Theatre | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Cantwell, James M. | Environmental Public Health Services | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Campbell, Linda | Methuen High School Boating Program | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Keefe, Mary | Pleasant Street Neighborhood Network Center | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Holmes, Russell E. | Youth in Crisis | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Pignatelli, William Smitty | Mentoring Matching Grants | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Khan, Kay | Carroll Center for the Blind Orientation and Mobility services | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Galvin, William C. | Massachusetts Hospital School Summer Program | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Wagner, Joseph F. | Secure Jobs | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Fox, Gloria L. | HIV/AIDS Services | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Scibak, John W. | Nutritional Needs of Homeless Families | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Keefe, Mary | Recreation Worcester | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Campbell, Linda | Methuen High School Mental Health Services | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Hay, Stephan | Kindergarten Expansion Grant | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Campbell, Linda | Methuen Public Safety Facility | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Gordon, Kenneth | Behavioral Health Services Electronic Medical Records Amendment | Public Health | Withdrawn | |
Cantwell, James M. | Robert F. Kennedy Children Action Corps Detention Diversion Program | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon | Targeted Intervention to Schools and Districts | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Campbell, Linda | Methuen Rail Trail | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Keefe, Mary | Apiary Inspection | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Smola, Todd M. | Environmental Law Enforcement | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Petrolati, Thomas M. | Hampden County Courthouse | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
McMurtry, Paul | CPR Training for Students | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Benson, Jennifer E. | Perfecting the Hospital Sunset Tax | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Garlick, Denise C. | Alzheimer’s Public Awareness and Education | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Garballey, Sean | Office of the Child Advocate | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Campbell, Linda | Essex County Sheriff Pretrial Detoxification Unit | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Rogers, John H. | Student Transportation Reimbursements to Cities, Towns and Regional School Districts related to the McKinney-Vento Mandate | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon | Healthy Relationships Grant Program | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Gifford, Susan Williams | An Amendment for the Visitor Information Centers of Massachusetts | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Honan, Kevin G. | Primary Care Provider Loan Repayment Forgiveness | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Keefe, Mary | Demonstration Workforce Development Program | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
O'Day, James J. | DCF social worker | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Cusack, Mark J. | Biosimilar | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Keefe, Mary | Board of Library Commissioners | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Mark, Paul W. | Franklin County Opioid Task Force | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Fox, Gloria L. | Massachusetts Service Alliance | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Kane, Hannah | Study to determine the costs and consequences of marijuana use in Massachusetts | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Holmes, Russell E. | No Books No Ball | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Fox, Gloria L. | Aspire Teacher Support Program | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Rogers, David | Department of Environmental Protection Administration and Compliance | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon | Student and School Assessment | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Campbell, Linda | Clarification to Hoisting Regulations | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Scibak, John W. | Northwestern District Attorney Anti-Crime Task Force | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Ferguson, Kimberly N. | Over Payment of Minimum Local Contribution | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Fox, Gloria L. | Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Rogers, John H. | Kindergarten Expansion Grants | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Fox, Gloria L. | Prostate Cancer Education and Awareness | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
McKenna, Joseph D. | Clean drinking water in Webster - ice pigging | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Benson, Jennifer E. | Comprehensive Infectious Disease Control | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Campbell, Linda | Allowing for pretrial offenders to be eligible for services at Offices of Community Corrections | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Fernandes, John V. | Mendon Public Safety Communications Improvements | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon | Supportive and TANF Childcare & Child Care Access | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Vega, Aaron | Workforce Development programs | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Kocot, Peter V. | Secretary of the Commonwealth-Public Records Law Technical Assistance and Compliance | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Cantwell, James M. | Dam and Seawall Repair or Removal Program | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Campbell, Linda | Day and Employment Disability Program | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Balser, Ruth B. | Safe and Supportive Schools | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Benson, Jennifer E. | Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Heroux, Paul | Department of Correction Main Operating Line Item | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon | MCAS Low-Scoring Student Support | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Walsh, Chris | To Recapitalize the Brownfields Redevelopment Fund | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Benson, Jennifer E. | Division of Banks | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Garballey, Sean | Reducing the Cost of Textbooks | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Schmid, Paul A. | EEA Information Technology Services | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Poirier, Elizabeth A. | Bristol Sheriff's Office | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Dykema, Carolyn C. | Removing the Water Meter Testing Cap | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Hogan, Kate | Critical Incident Stress Management | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Campbell, Linda | Elder Nutrition Program | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Walsh, Chris | For a cost of living increase for the Massachusetts Association of Independent Living Centers | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Hogan, Kate | Health Plan Access to Immunization Registry | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Poirier, Elizabeth A. | Children's Advocacy Center of Bristol County | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Collins, Nick | HazMat and Fire Training Services | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Benson, Jennifer E. | Division of Insurance | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Hogan, Kate | Home Care Oversight Study Commission | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Poirier, Elizabeth A. | Elevator Inspection Fines | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Hogan, Kate | Integrated Pest Management | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Collins, Nick | Joint Labor Management Committee for Municipal Police and Fire | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Hogan, Kate | Library Sales Tax Exemption | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Poirier, Elizabeth A. | On Common Ground, Inc | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Campbell, Linda | Family Support & Respite Services for the Developmentally Disabled | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Collins, Nick | Bureau of Substance Abuse Services | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Hogan, Kate | Massachusetts Center for the Book | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Walsh, Chris | For the Operation of the MetroWest Regional Transit Authority | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Hogan, Kate | Maynard & Acton Shuttle Enhancement | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Garballey, Sean | Massachusetts Rental Voucher Technical Amendment | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Cantwell, James M. | Coastal Resiliency Grant Program | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Hogan, Kate | State Library of Massachusetts | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon | Dual Enrollment Expansion | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Brodeur, Paul | Adult Day Health | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Campbell, Linda | SAFE Program | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Hogan, Kate | State Aid to Public Libraries | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Hunt, Randy | Amendment to Promote Transparency in Municipal Aggregator Reporting | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Walsh, Chris | Raise the rate of Mass Health Reimbursements to Home Health Agencies | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Kane, Hannah | Massachusetts Life Sciences | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Fox, Gloria L. | MA Commission on the status of Women | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Balser, Ruth B. | Prisoners' Legal Services | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Khan, Kay | Nursing and Allied Health Workforce Development Initiative | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Fox, Gloria L. | Roxbury Trust Fund Committee | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted | |
Rushing, Byron | Library of the Commonwealth/State Aid to Regional Libraries | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Khan, Kay | Anti-Shackling Compliance | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Gregoire, Danielle | Tobacco Cessation and Prevention Program Funding | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Kane, Hannah | Out of District Vocational Pupil Transportation | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Campbell, Linda | State Laboratory and Communicable Disease Control Services: | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Fox, Gloria L. | Economic Mobility and Stability Program | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Schmid, Paul A. | DEP - TURI Program Funding | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Rogers, John H. | Circuit Breaker Transportation Funding | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Galvin, William C. | Canton Metropolis Rink | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Livingstone, Jay D. | Common Application Portal/SNAP Gap Amendment | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Campbell, Linda | The Alternative Housing Voucher Program | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Cantwell, James M. | Protecting municipal and private ambulance services | Withdrawn | ||
Honan, Kevin G. | Technical Changes to the Municipal Affordable Housing Trust Statute | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Khan, Kay | International Institute of New England | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
O'Day, James J. | DTA funding increase | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Scibak, John W. | Employment Program for Young Adults with Disabilities | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Garballey, Sean | The Children's Room - Arlington | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Vega, Aaron | Family Resource Centers | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
O'Day, James J. | Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon | I.T. Consolidation | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
O'Day, James J. | Homemaker Wage and Benefit Increase | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
O'Day, James J. | Massachusetts Vietnam Veterans Memorial Funding | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
O'Day, James J. | Pediatric Palliative Care Program Amendment | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Kane, Hannah | Substance Abuse Services for Veterans | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Gregoire, Danielle | Children’s Autism Medicaid Waiver | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Scibak, John W. | Office of Oral Health | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
O'Day, James J. | Alternative Education | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Galvin, William C. | Avon Industrial Park | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
O'Day, James J. | Tree Re-planting in Worcester as a result of Asian Longhorn Beetle infestation | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Moran, Michael J. | Aspire Teacher Support Program | Education and Local Aid | Withdrawn | |
Campbell, Linda | Weekend Mental Health Funding for Bridgewater State Hospital | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Swan, Benjamin | University of Massachusetts Amherst College of Education | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Moran, Michael J. | Exemption of certain school buses from MassDOT toll collection | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Moran, Michael J. | Head of the Charles Regatta | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Moran, Michael J. | Let's Row Boston | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Khan, Kay | Substance Abuse Screenings for Adolescents/SBIRT | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Moran, Michael J. | Massachusetts Office of Refugees and Immigrants | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Moran, Michael J. | Outside the Box Festival | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Straus, William M. | Cranberry Task Force initiatives | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Walsh, Chris | Enhances Home Care Rate Equalization | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Moran, Michael J. | The Washington Center-Massachusetts Initiative Academic Internship program | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Gregoire, Danielle | Aversive Therapy Study | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Garballey, Sean | PRIM Board | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Stanley, Thomas M. | MSBA Capital Funding English Language Learners | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Toomey, Timothy J. | YouthBuild | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Walsh, Chris | Higher Education Collaboration and Efficiency | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Brodeur, Paul | Library Technology and Resource Sharing | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Swan, Benjamin | Revitalize CDC | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Garballey, Sean | Institutional Teachers | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Puppolo, Angelo J. | Parole | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Benson, Jennifer E. | Special Education Circuit Breaker Funding | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Ferrante, Ann-Margaret | Occupation Clarification | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
McKenna, Joseph D. | Clean drinking water in Webster - filtration plant | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Gregoire, Danielle | The Children’s Trust | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Walsh, Chris | To Fund the DEP Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Barber, Christine P. | Home Care Aide Training Fund | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | DCR State Parks and Recreation | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Everett Theatre | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Film Tax Credit I | Revenue | Rejected | |
Scaccia, Angelo M. | Film Tax Credit II | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Cusack, Mark J. | Tri-Town Water Treatment Facility | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Cantwell, James M. | Coastal Resiliency Grant Program Wave Attenuating Devices | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Balser, Ruth B. | Geriatric Mental Health Services | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
McKenna, Joseph D. | Clean drinking water in Webster - ice pigging | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Silvia, Alan | MCAS/Adams Scholarship | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Brodeur, Paul | Study of Expansion of Home Care Eligibility | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Silvia, Alan | Public Safety Staffing Grants | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Sánchez, Jeffrey | Improving Patient Care | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Gregoire, Danielle | Emergency Assistance Data and Reporting Technical Amendment | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Wagner, Joseph F. | Workforce Competitiveness Trust Fund | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Barber, Christine P. | HomeBASE Expansion, Renewal, & Forward Funding | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Scibak, John W. | Early Education and School Age Rate Reserve | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Garballey, Sean | Community College Collective Bargaining | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
McKenna, Joseph D. | Sutton Schools water | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Brodeur, Paul | Ensuring Bed Availability for Seniors | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Balser, Ruth B. | Community Access Television | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Gregoire, Danielle | MassDOT Advertising | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Barber, Christine P. | Homeless Student Transportation Commission | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Schmid, Paul A. | DAR Farm to School | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Ayers, Bruce J. | Quincy Animal Shelter | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Mahoney, John J. | Homeless Individuals | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Toomey, Timothy J. | Extraordinary Medical Release | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Scibak, John W. | Suicide Awareness and Prevention Training for Licensed School Personnel | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Fiola, Carole A. | Comprehensive Family Planning Services | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Cronin, Claire | Transportation Reimbursement | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Mahoney, John J. | Elevator Certification Fees | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Straus, William M. | Cost containment | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Barber, Christine P. | Health Safety Net Eligibility & Funding | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Fiola, Carole A. | YMCA Out-of-School-Time Substance Abuse Prevention Funding | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Mahoney, John J. | Indian Lake Treatment | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Ayers, Bruce J. | Squantum Point Park Boat Ramp | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Muradian Jr., David K. | Synthetic Hallucinogens | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Mahoney, John J. | Newton Square Rotary in Worcester | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Ayers, Bruce J. | Wollaston Beach State Police Patrols | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Mahoney, John J. | Tronic Square Traffic and Sidewalk Improvements, Worcester | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon | School-to-Career Connecting Activities | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Scibak, John W. | Massachusetts Workforce Professionals Association | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Sannicandro, Tom | Transitions to Work | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Balser, Ruth B. | Gender Equity in Disability Policies | Legislation, Non-Budget |
Precluded Further amendment adopted, precluding vote |
(Further) | Michlewitz, Aaron | 1130 further | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted |
Dykema, Carolyn C. | DCR Watershed Maintenance | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Cariddi, Gailanne M. | Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) Berkshire County | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Markey, Christopher M. | Livestock Processing Amendment | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Mahoney, John J. | UMass Memorial Children's Medical Center | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Markey, Christopher M. | "Buy Local" Amendment | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Muradian Jr., David K. | Blackstone River Watershed Association | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Dykema, Carolyn C. | YMCA Youth-At-Risk | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Markey, Christopher M. | Amendment for Aging Services Access Points Contracts | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Gregoire, Danielle | Transportation Pilot Program in the City of Marlborough | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Garballey, Sean | Monument Park in Arlington | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Markey, Christopher M. | Children’s Integrated Administrative Data Center | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Mahoney, John J. | Massachusetts Digital Games Institute | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Holmes, Russell E. | Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Markey, Christopher M. | Massachusetts Children’s Administrative Data Center Task Force | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Markey, Christopher M. | Dartmouth Police Mobile Command Center | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Markey, Christopher M. | Increase Scholarship Funding for Public Higher Education | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Cariddi, Gailanne M. | Western Gateway Heritage State Park | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Markey, Christopher M. | Increase Appropriation to the Office of the Commissioner of Probation | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Holmes, Russell E. | Housing Authority Improvements | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Lawn, John J. | Massachusetts Citizens for Children | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Mahoney, John J. | Full Day Kindergarten | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
McMurtry, Paul | Caring for Family Members with Disabilities | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Ryan, Daniel J. | Shooter Detection System | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon | Reach out and Read | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Balser, Ruth B. | Massachusetts Child Psychiatry Access Project (MCPAP) | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Ultrino, Steven | Triangle School-to-Career Program | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon | Route 9 Culvert | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Vega, Aaron | Safe & Successful Youth Initiative | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon | Cliff Road Bridge | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
McKenna, Joseph D. | Lake Singletary Watershed | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Ultrino, Steven | Triangle EPIC Program | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon | Wellesley Route 9 and Kingsbury Street Intersection | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon | Wellesley Square Commuter Rail Station | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon | From the Top | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Kocot, Peter V. | Western Massachusetts to Boston High Speed Rail | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon | Courthouse Bombing Reimbursement | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Ultrino, Steven | Triangle AbleVision | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon | Approval of Town Insurance Appropriations | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon | State Retiree Benefits Trust Fund Board of Directors | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon | Tax Withholding for Individual Retirement Accounts | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon | The Purchase of Motor Vehicles at Auction by Municipalities | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Naughton, Harold P. | Relative to Protecting the Commonwealth’s Coastline, Ports and Harbors | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon | Compulsory Death Benefit to Automobile Liability Insurance | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon | Energy Efficiency Funds Generated by Municipal Light Plants | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon | Senior Citizen Property Tax Relief | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Walsh, Chris | Expansion of the Housing Court | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Naughton, Harold P. | Technical Amendment | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Campanale, Kate D. | Improving Elder Access to Integrated Care | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Khan, Kay | DDS Community-Based Residential Adult Services | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Walsh, Chris | To Fund the Expansion of the Housing Cout | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Balser, Ruth B. | Firefighter Critical Incident Stress Programs | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
O'Day, James J. | Secure Jobs – Worcester Community Action Council | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Smizik, Frank I. | Affirming the Role of the MBTA Advisory Board | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
O'Day, James J. | UMMS funding increase | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Naughton, Harold P. | Train Vets to Treat Vets | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
Cantwell, James M. | Commission on Upstream Prevention and Behavioral Health Promotion | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Farley-Bouvier, Tricia | English Language Learners’ Gateway Cities Program | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Khan, Kay | DCF Child Welfare Trial Attorneys | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
O'Connell, Shaunna L. | Taunton Opiod Task Force | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Tosado, Jose F. | Massachusetts State Council Vietnam Veterans of America | Veteran Services and Soliders Homes | Consolidated "D" | |
O'Connell, Shaunna L. | Oak Ames Memorial Hall | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Balser, Ruth B. | Betsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Tosado, Jose F. | Lovin’ Spoonfuls, Inc. in Hampden County | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Naughton, Harold P. | Relative to the Purchase of Conducted Electrical Weapons for the Department of the State Police | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
O'Connell, Shaunna L. | Public access to Level 1 sex offender information | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Tosado, Jose F. | AWAKE Violence Intervention Program | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Tosado, Jose F. | Tenancy Preservation Program | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Carvalho, Evandro C. | Culturally Competent Programming for Cape Verdean Immigrants | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Livingstone, Jay D. | An Act expanding eligibility for diversion to treatment for criminal offenders | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
O'Connell, Shaunna L. | Counsel for sex offenders | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Carvalho, Evandro C. | Computer Science Career Tech at Madison Park High School | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Carvalho, Evandro C. | Vocational Education Dual Enrollment | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
O'Connell, Shaunna L. | Securing public housing | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Schmid, Paul A. | DTA SNAP Benefits at Farmers Markets | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Schmid, Paul A. | Head Start Program | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Carvalho, Evandro C. | Bird Street Community Center | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Khan, Kay | DCF Family Stabilization and Support | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
O'Connell, Shaunna L. | Out of state spending of cash benefits | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Livingstone, Jay D. | Early Education Quality Improvement | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Mark, Paul W. | End Family Homelessness Reserve Fund | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Madden, Timothy R. | Shellfish propagation for Barnstable, Dukes and Nantucket counties | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Livingstone, Jay D. | Early Education Waitlist | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
O'Connell, Shaunna L. | Increasing review of rules and regulations | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Hunt, Daniel J. | Pine Street Inn | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Ayers, Bruce J. | Military Task Force Executive Director | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Khan, Kay | DCF Regulation Change and Family Resource Center Reporting | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
O'Connell, Shaunna L. | One-year adjustment period before new regulations can take effect | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
O'Connell, Shaunna L. | Audit of the MBTARF | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Scibak, John W. | Improving Elder Access to Integrated Care | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
Peake, Sarah K. | Beach Access Conservation Plan Redraft | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
O'Connell, Shaunna L. | Transparency in MBTARF | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
O'Connell, Shaunna L. | College affordability study | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
O'Connell, Shaunna L. | Prohibiting the purchase of certain products with EBT cards | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Khan, Kay | DCF Domestic Violence Services | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Madden, Timothy R. | Dukes and Nantucket county housing court expansion | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
O'Connell, Shaunna L. | Commission on Child Welfare and Safety | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Muradian Jr., David K. | Blackstone Valley Community College Facility | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
O'Connell, Shaunna L. | Unused sick-leave time | Constitutional Officers and State Administration | Consolidated "B" | |
Cantwell, James M. | Tickborne Disease Prevention Awareness Campaign | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Golden, Thomas A. | Project Positive Return | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Khan, Kay | DPH/DCF Domestic Violence Services | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Malia, Elizabeth A. | Charter School Tuition Reimbursement | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Malia, Elizabeth A. | Department of Mental Health, Homelessness Services | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Malia, Elizabeth A. | Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services/RISE | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Kocot, Peter V. | Grow Food Northampton Pilot Project | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Malia, Elizabeth A. | Early Childhood Mental Health | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Malia, Elizabeth A. | Eastern Massachusetts Goal Setting and Relapse Prevention Program | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Malia, Elizabeth A. | Feasibility Study for Roxbury Community College | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Malia, Elizabeth A. | Friends of the Children | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Kaufman, Jay R. | Low-income housing donation tax credit | Revenue | Withdrawn | |
Malia, Elizabeth A. | Integrated School-Based Counseling | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Schmid, Paul A. | DCR State Parks and Recreation | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Malia, Elizabeth A. | Mental Health Legal Advisors | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Malia, Elizabeth A. | Opiate-Dependent Newborns | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Scibak, John W. | Plumbers' Apprentice Unemployment | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Malia, Elizabeth A. | Opioid Workforce Training | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Miceli, James R. | An Amendment Relative to Tewksbury Hospital | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Malia, Elizabeth A. | Youth Violence Outreach and Violence Prevention | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Timilty, Walter F. | Amendment to Reduce the Cost of College Textbooks | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Khan, Kay | DTA Children's Clothing Allowance and Rent Allowance | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Cassidy, Gerard | Prostate Cancer Research | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Ayers, Bruce J. | Quincy Dementia Friendly Community | Elder Affairs | Consolidated "G" | |
O'Day, James J. | Secure Choice Retirement for Private Sector Employees | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Gordon, Kenneth | Middlesex 3 Coalition Transportation Infrastructure | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Schmid, Paul A. | Head Town Landing Improvement | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Scibak, John W. | Summer Jobs for At-Risk Youth, the YouthWorks Program | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Schmid, Paul A. | DAR Administration | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Khan, Kay | DTA Caseworkers | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Timilty, Walter F. | Blue Hills Trailside Museum | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Cantwell, James M. | Protecting municipal and private ambulance services | Legislation, Non-Budget | Adopted | |
Mark, Paul W. | Mobile College Planning Centers | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Timilty, Walter F. | Massachusetts Port Authorithy Noise Study Requirement | Legislation, Non-Budget | Rejected | |
Timilty, Walter F. | Milton Adams Street Reconstruction | Transportation | Consolidated "B" | |
Schmid, Paul A. | Buzzards Bay Coalition | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
McMurtry, Paul | Illegal Tobacco Task Force | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Timilty, Walter F. | Milton Fire House Construction | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Mark, Paul W. | Berkshire Sheriff Amendment for Energy | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Schmid, Paul A. | Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Timilty, Walter F. | Milton Opticon System | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
O'Day, James J. | Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Housing and Wraparound Support Services | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Scibak, John W. | One Stop Career Centers | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Timilty, Walter F. | Milton Sidewalk Reconstruction | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
O'Day, James J. | Unaccompanied Homeless Youth Commission | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Holmes, Russell E. | Witness Protectin Board Education and Awareness | Judiciary | Consolidated "H" | |
Muradian Jr., David K. | State Police Museum | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Khan, Kay | DTA Administration | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Timilty, Walter F. | Randolph Fire House Construction | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Walsh, Chris | To mitigate adverse effects of the Assessment | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Timilty, Walter F. | Randolph Library Renovations | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Scibak, John W. | NoFires | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Moran, Frank | Improving Hospital Payments | Health and Human Services | Consolidated "G" | |
Timilty, Walter F. | Randolph Opticon System | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Honan, Kevin G. | MA Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Khan, Kay | End Family Homelessness Fund | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Timilty, Walter F. | Randolph Police Station Renovation | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Muradian Jr., David K. | Use of Shotguns | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Mark, Paul W. | Massachusetts Employee Involvement and Ownership | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Timilty, Walter F. | Randolph Trafic Light Installation | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Timilty, Walter F. | Randolph Water Treatment Plant | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Orrall, Keiko M. | Increasing fines for unlawful employment | Labor and Economic Development | Consolidated "I" | |
Lyons, James J. | Local Aid Increase | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Khan, Kay | Disabled Persons Protection Commission | Mental Health and Disability Services | Consolidated "E" | |
Dempsey, Brian S. | HWM Perfecting Amendment | Ways and Means Corrective Amendment | Adopted, as Changed | |
Orrall, Keiko M. | Elimination of Common Core Standards | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Mark, Paul W. | Future of Work | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Naughton, Harold P. | Home of the Brave | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Mark, Paul W. | Massachusetts Children's Advocacy Centers | Public Health | Consolidated "F" | |
Timilty, Walter F. | The creation of the Commonwealth Technical Rescue Regions and Coordinating Council | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" | |
Orrall, Keiko M. | Clarification of Public Housing Eligibility | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Timilty, Walter F. | Ulin Rink Locker Room Renovation | Energy and Environmental Affairs | Consolidated "C" | |
Mark, Paul W. | Greenfield Virtual School | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Orrall, Keiko M. | Increasing Purchasing Transparency with Electronic Benefit Cards | Social Services | Consolidated "D" | |
Peisch, Alice Hanlon | Commonwealth Preschool Partnership Initiative | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Orrall, Keiko M. | Horizons for Homeless Children’s Playspace Program Funding | Housing | Consolidated "E" | |
Straus, William M. | Value capture | Legislation, Non-Budget | Withdrawn | |
Mark, Paul W. | Collective Bargaining Agreement | Education and Local Aid | Consolidated "A" | |
Mark, Paul W. | Franklin County Opioid Task Force | Public Safety | Consolidated "H" |